AS stated in Bhagavad Gita, we are spirit souls covered by a subtle body of mind , intelligence and false ego and then by a gros body which we can see with our eyes. It is evident that for most mordern proponents this kind of construction of our body is shocking . But analyzing the statements in Bhagavad Gita closely and trying to see them by intelligence , one can understand what Bhagavad Gita is saying is not at all impractical.
It is a known fact that every person we meet has different desires, different mentality, different thoughts and different habits. Intelligent obserever may ask, As per our “modern” evolutionary theory we all have come from a single cell which eventually made higher intelligence like us, then why is that we find such a vast variety in human beings ? Why is that some one is very intelligent in humans and others are not so. Why is there a separate bracnh of psycology which deals with mind , even though we don’t see our mind, since people normally put an argument that since we do not see GOD with our eyes we do not believe in existence of GOD, So it can be safely concluded that , if I donot see someone’s mind with my eyes, that particular person has no mind, and since a person has no mind, there is no point arguing science of God, with a mindless person.
This article will show how the subtle body works as explained in Bhagavad Gita .
In Gita, Sri Krishna , says , that we the spirit souls are covered by 2 layers of material coverings.
Soul is independent and cannot be harmed in anywhich way, It is a part and parcel of the Lord and hence is eternal.
Soul is further covered by a layer of mind, intelligence and false ego.
Mind , intelligence and false ego are material elements which constitutes the subtle body of a living entity. It is not visible to the eye , but works on a sublte form. The hierarchy based on the power of control is explained in Bhagavad Gita,
Gita says,
Senses are more powerful than the gross matter, mind is powerful than the senses, intelligence is still power ful than the mind and soul is more powerful than the intelligence. False ego is the false identity of the living soul related to body( eg. Indian, american etc) . AS per Gita , real identity of the soul or in other words real ego of a living entity is that he is a eternal servant of Lord Krishna, and always subordinate to him.
So based on these statements, we can conclude that Senses, mind, intelligence, and ego are subtle material instruments for the functioning of the bodily mechanism, which is a gross matter made up of earth , water , fire, air, ether. One may know by observation that body contains all these elements , namely earth, water, fire, air, ether.
Now senses include, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, legs, genitals, anus, etc are controlled , centrally by the mind. For example, if we see a nice peace of sweet meat, eyes and tounge tell the mind to pick it up and mind transmits this to the hands and them the process of eating takes place. This is done very quickly. Hence all the activities are centered around the mind. Hence mind is power ful than the senses.
Intelligence is more power ful than the mind, For example, if eyes see poison and tongue wants to taste it, intelligence discirminates it as dangeorus and hence controls the mind not to execute the fuction of eating.
Hence intelligence is more powerful than the mind.
At this point one may wonder , if intelligence is powerful than the mind, how is it going to help me? This brings us at the point of understanding Bahgavad Gita. Main function of intelligence as shown above is to discriminate good from bad, right from wrong, and Bhagavad Gita, is the wisdom which awakens the intelligence for a human being.
AS soon as I say awaken the intelligence , it is obvious that people may get offended thinking , it is outrageous to think that people in general have sleeping intelligent in today’s world. Without giving to much thought on the claims made by the false ego, if one reads further, one will understand why people’s intelligence are sleeping.
AS we see around us , every one is engaged in working hard, day and night, going home to his or her family, eating , sleeping , mating and then waking up again in the morning working hard and just waiting for the weekend to do the same , i.e eating , sleeping ,mating and defending. We today claim to posses a higher intelligence than the animals, and hence are very proud of our technological and economic improvements , but if one looks at the results of such a intelligence work, one will find, that we have become slaves to technolog y and have become more unhappy over the years due to this . In all this false pride and glamour of technological and economic development , we fail to realize that the higher intelligence given to us is being wasted in developing better ways of eating , sleeping , mating and defending, which even animals are doing it , that to without much mental stress and anxiety. They are surviving on the products supplied by the nature. This brings us to the point which should make us think that this higher intelligence is being misused by us and hence needs to be directed to a proper source of knowledge which would make it more meaning ful. Bhagavad Gita says, higher intelligence awarded to human beings is to inquire about God, his relation with him and how to attain that relation. This is what Gita teaches .
So if one takes the study of Bhagavad Gita, serioulsy , his intelligence awakens to the real wisdom and since it is powerful than the mind, it has the strength to control the illusory and unwanted desires of mind and the senses. This will make one more foccused on the ultimate goal , and revive the original constitutional position of the soul and engage him or her in activities which are beneficial to the soul , instead of running after a mirage of happiness created by the mind. Since the living entity is a spirit soul and not the body, it is necessary to find out what are the activities which will make the soul happy. All the material activities , of today’s world, of so called entertainment are just satisfying the mind for a while and then again gives a soul a sense of dissatisfaction and hence are temporary. The path to true happiness and understanding of the self lies in the study of Bhagavad Gita.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Science behind faith
From experience and satistical data, it is evident that most of the general populace believe in presence of GOD, but the mass propaganda by some atheist believers who are totally inimicable towards Supreme Lord tend to put a doubt in a rather innocent crowd who have no answers to the questions posed and debated by them. Due to this ignorance in the mass of people, many have turned to atheism and many are loosing their strong faith in goodness. This has let to many misconceptions regarding behaviors out of the jurisdiction of religious text which seem very obvious in today's world.
A very common question people ask when it comes to religious practices ,is Do you believe in GOD?. The question of believing or not believing comes when we have incomplete knowldege or conception of that particular object. But if you have knowledge and can be verified experimentally , then that so called belief becomes a fact and hence makes it very easy to answer this question. On the other hand, faith is very important ,infact it is the first step in knowing anything, for example , if one has no faith in the educational system , one will not learn much from it. Only having little faith makes it difficult to protect , in circumstances when majority are either unaware or inimical about our faith and often it dwindles in such circumstances.But if this faith when properly nutured by knowledge becomes a fact, which can stand any critisism and will lead to a better foundation in understanding a particular concept.
When question comes to GOD, most people have strong faith but are often bewildered by critizism and debates over exsitence of GOD with no results, and hence it is very essential that people in general be educated in these concepts. It is a nautral phenomenon,only by knowing a particular person can one's faith , trust and love for that person increase. Same holds true for Supreme person. As we have to take efforts to know any person, by bonding , similarly it requires effort to know the Supreme person. The only difference stands in the medium of knowing. The process of knowing the Supreme Lord is by reading about him through Bhagavad Gita and Vedic literature. Now the next question that may be raised is , why only Bhagavad Gita , why not Bible, or Kuran or anyother scriputre, why do we have to follow only Bhagavad Gita?. If we analyze all the scriputures scrutinizingly we will find , that the message is same, to love GOD, but agian inorder to love someone, we have to know someone. Any scripture if followed strictly will lead to that goal there is no doubt about it. But when I speak of science behind the faith, Bhagavad Gita very distinctly and very scientifically explains very nature of the living entity, reasons for things we see around us, gives you knowledge on what the nature is , its working, reasons for various mentalities we see around us, the purpose of our existence and the path how to achieve this purpose. All these things are explained purely through the point of view of our Creator. All the questions and doubts that spring up in ones mind can be answered by Bhagavad Gita and many other Vedic literatures. All these answers are available very scientifically for us to apply and realize the Absolute truth. Some others may question if that is so then why is that there are so many scriptures that are available, why is every one not reading only Bhagavad Gita? A very valid question but this question can be answered by a simple example, teachers teach their students depending upon the capacity of the students, a teacher teaching a particular subject in 4th grade will not teach the same material to students in a higher grade. Similarly , different sciptures differ in details and practices inorder to adjust to the understanding capacity to a particular group of people, but the goal is same to attain the Supreme , to know HIM. Bhagavad Gita is the preliminary study in gaining knowledge about GOD, as one begins to understand Bhagavad Gita, then one may progress furthur with the study of Literatures like, Srimad Bhagavatam and other Vedic literatures. At this point I would like to clear a very common misconception about Bhagavad Gita, people due to the humbug tend to thing that,everything might be true , yes bhagavad Gita is sceintific etc, but it is a Hindu scriputure , so by reading Bhagavad Gita we are changing our religion? , But nowhere in Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna , says , that this teachings are only meant for Hindu's NO, It is meant for everyone. Hinduism, Chirtianism, Muslim and other religions as we know today are man made and the conflicts that often occur between these sects are because of selfish and egoistics interest of these groups. There are many evidences which show that , 5000 years ago , when Bhagavad Gita was spoken , there was no Hindu, Christian or Muslim religion, these have been recently labelled by men. Practices followed may differ in these groups but the science is the same, which is give by the LORD HIMSELF in Bhagavad Gita.
Hence, inorder to understand anything in this world we should have faith. It is a common occurence , faith leads to knowledge similary, knowledge leads to faith. In our daily mundane world , if one has to gain knowledge about a particular subject he should have faith in that subject matter to further investigate into it, which leads one to knowledge, and similarly once a person acquires knowledge about a particular phenomenon and practices it , his faith increases. So it is utmost neccessary , for those who have faith to acquire the required knowledge to protect your faith in GOD. Those who want to develop that faith , have to practice the teachings in Gita. So Bhagavad Gita is such a wonderful body of knowledge that , it is beneficail to whomsoever may read it seriously. Even a fraction understanding will make one happier than before. It is my most humble request to all, to take advantage of this great book and expereince its results. There is nothing to loose in this experiment, Even if one fails he would sooner or later come to a point of understanding the philosophy , and if one seriously follows the teachings is sure to make his life perfect in all respects.
A very common question people ask when it comes to religious practices ,is Do you believe in GOD?. The question of believing or not believing comes when we have incomplete knowldege or conception of that particular object. But if you have knowledge and can be verified experimentally , then that so called belief becomes a fact and hence makes it very easy to answer this question. On the other hand, faith is very important ,infact it is the first step in knowing anything, for example , if one has no faith in the educational system , one will not learn much from it. Only having little faith makes it difficult to protect , in circumstances when majority are either unaware or inimical about our faith and often it dwindles in such circumstances.But if this faith when properly nutured by knowledge becomes a fact, which can stand any critisism and will lead to a better foundation in understanding a particular concept.
When question comes to GOD, most people have strong faith but are often bewildered by critizism and debates over exsitence of GOD with no results, and hence it is very essential that people in general be educated in these concepts. It is a nautral phenomenon,only by knowing a particular person can one's faith , trust and love for that person increase. Same holds true for Supreme person. As we have to take efforts to know any person, by bonding , similarly it requires effort to know the Supreme person. The only difference stands in the medium of knowing. The process of knowing the Supreme Lord is by reading about him through Bhagavad Gita and Vedic literature. Now the next question that may be raised is , why only Bhagavad Gita , why not Bible, or Kuran or anyother scriputre, why do we have to follow only Bhagavad Gita?. If we analyze all the scriputures scrutinizingly we will find , that the message is same, to love GOD, but agian inorder to love someone, we have to know someone. Any scripture if followed strictly will lead to that goal there is no doubt about it. But when I speak of science behind the faith, Bhagavad Gita very distinctly and very scientifically explains very nature of the living entity, reasons for things we see around us, gives you knowledge on what the nature is , its working, reasons for various mentalities we see around us, the purpose of our existence and the path how to achieve this purpose. All these things are explained purely through the point of view of our Creator. All the questions and doubts that spring up in ones mind can be answered by Bhagavad Gita and many other Vedic literatures. All these answers are available very scientifically for us to apply and realize the Absolute truth. Some others may question if that is so then why is that there are so many scriptures that are available, why is every one not reading only Bhagavad Gita? A very valid question but this question can be answered by a simple example, teachers teach their students depending upon the capacity of the students, a teacher teaching a particular subject in 4th grade will not teach the same material to students in a higher grade. Similarly , different sciptures differ in details and practices inorder to adjust to the understanding capacity to a particular group of people, but the goal is same to attain the Supreme , to know HIM. Bhagavad Gita is the preliminary study in gaining knowledge about GOD, as one begins to understand Bhagavad Gita, then one may progress furthur with the study of Literatures like, Srimad Bhagavatam and other Vedic literatures. At this point I would like to clear a very common misconception about Bhagavad Gita, people due to the humbug tend to thing that,everything might be true , yes bhagavad Gita is sceintific etc, but it is a Hindu scriputure , so by reading Bhagavad Gita we are changing our religion? , But nowhere in Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna , says , that this teachings are only meant for Hindu's NO, It is meant for everyone. Hinduism, Chirtianism, Muslim and other religions as we know today are man made and the conflicts that often occur between these sects are because of selfish and egoistics interest of these groups. There are many evidences which show that , 5000 years ago , when Bhagavad Gita was spoken , there was no Hindu, Christian or Muslim religion, these have been recently labelled by men. Practices followed may differ in these groups but the science is the same, which is give by the LORD HIMSELF in Bhagavad Gita.
Hence, inorder to understand anything in this world we should have faith. It is a common occurence , faith leads to knowledge similary, knowledge leads to faith. In our daily mundane world , if one has to gain knowledge about a particular subject he should have faith in that subject matter to further investigate into it, which leads one to knowledge, and similarly once a person acquires knowledge about a particular phenomenon and practices it , his faith increases. So it is utmost neccessary , for those who have faith to acquire the required knowledge to protect your faith in GOD. Those who want to develop that faith , have to practice the teachings in Gita. So Bhagavad Gita is such a wonderful body of knowledge that , it is beneficail to whomsoever may read it seriously. Even a fraction understanding will make one happier than before. It is my most humble request to all, to take advantage of this great book and expereince its results. There is nothing to loose in this experiment, Even if one fails he would sooner or later come to a point of understanding the philosophy , and if one seriously follows the teachings is sure to make his life perfect in all respects.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Navrathri festival --- turns into a concert
Today is October 13th 2007 , just yesterday the age old festival of Navratri started. I went to one such arrangement made to celebrate this festival, but truly speaking it felt as if I have come to a concert.
Navrathri as all the festivals in ancient India are celebrated with a spiritual and a divine objective. Navrathri means Nine nights of worship to Goddess of Strength. First three nights are for the worship of Mother Durga to invoke her blessings to counter our sinful activities, Second three nights are for the worship of Mother Lakshmi to bestowed upon us spiritual strength and goodness , and the Last three nights are for worship of Mother Saraswati for spiritual knowlegde.
These are the main reasons for which the festival is celebrated. Also every festival has a pure format where in a person can invoke his or her devotional and spiritual energies to attain the ultimate goal of life which is salvation as per the Vedic Literature.
During Navrathri the form of worship is my dancing in circles and singing bhajans and kirtans praising the activitites and nature of Mother Durga, and thanking her for protecting us from the demons. These dances are performed seperately by men and women to maintain the purity of affairs to obtain devotional objective. These have to be followed strictly which will make one blissful and happy during the festivities.
But it was really saddening to see the celebrations in todays Kaliyuga. Today if anyone asks a youngster, that Why do you celebrate Navartri , the common reply would be " To have fun, enjoy, socialize etc", but no mention of the worship to Goddess Durga. Nobody knows why they are dancing in circles before a diety. Navrathri has lost its main spiritual objective. Formerly songs and bhajans were sung using traditional instruments like drums, cymbals to create a divine atmosphere suitable for the festival, today people have become so much advanced that they think that full orchestra will make Goddess happy. They also think that instead of praising Mother Durga through devotional songs, Goddess will become pleased if we sing some cheap Hindi Flim songs and dance obscenly on these songs and while all the stupidity is going on we will perform a short aarti for Mother Durga for about 15 minutes and then again we will start our dancing on Hindi songs like some concert. Moreover people have become even more brilliant , thinking Navrathri festival is a fashion parade , where in people can were any type of revealing clothing to attract attention. Girls no longer care to dress in a decent way , boys are trying to show off their new hair styles. Girls and boys are freely dancing and mingling without any concerns , Some how or other people also started thinking that Mother Durga will be pleased and bestow her blessings on them if they are drunk during the festival. These are some of the malpractices which has crept in the modern day celebration of Navrathri.
People and Organizers of todays world have made a mockery of the divine Goddess and the festival for her and they are acting in order to satisfy their selfish desires of enjoyment. In the selfish quest to fulfill their motives they are spoiling the future generation of people who have no clue why are they celebrating a particular festival, Nobody even cares to ask these questions that what is the purpose of celebrating Navrathri , why is that garba is done, why do we worship Goddess. It is the responsibility of the older generation to impart this knowledge to the younger generation and tell them the significance and importance of this or any festival , inorder to invoke devotion and quest for spiritual knowledge in them, since it is the most important science which should be know , but unfortunately, due to the effect of the age , every one is just very busy in fulfilling their own desires without even caring for the anger of the Goddess.
Many older people themselves are in ignorance and hence are not able to explain the importance of spirituality and the festivals celebrated in Vedic culture. It is a pity that people have adjusted to such malpractices and failed to see the consequences. Now many people out of their sheer ignorance and weakness in mind , which probably they are not able to figure out , are not protesting , but that will not stop the reactions to these irresponsible actions. So it is very important that instead of simply encouraging the younger generation to fall into the ditch of darkness and ignorance, make it a habbit for them to ask the question Why? , since if one does not become inquisitive to understand things, the person will be fooled by the laws of nature again and again. Everything has its reactions. It is very sad that due to lack of knowledge many innocent people who are capable of learning will also have to suffer.
Now let us analyze the original objective of celebrating Navrathi. It was to invoke devotion and spiritual bliss, which is a reality, but due to the corruption , the younger generation thinks worship of GODS and GODDESS to be a mere myth, which diverts them to demoniac propensities which they see around them. Modern So called Disco Dandiya and dancing on Film Songs are no way invoking any kind of bhakti or devotion , infact , such lusty songs and music are just polluting their minds and making their conviction of Goddess worship being a myth even stronger. Moreover , Girls and boys during Navratri are supposed to dance in seperate circles and not intermingle and dance freely dashing with each other. Also The foremost and main intension of Navrathri is to praise the Goddess, but instead of doing that we are keeping Mother Durga aside and Praising Hindi songs. Also this scared festival is to be done in a pure way , where in girls are supposed to dress decently and boys are also have to be traditionally dressed with humility, but today, Navratri has become a hunting ground for boys and girls and a fashion stage, where in boys are interesed in having "cool" haristyles and dress and girls are more intend on dressing more in a revealing manner to attract attention. So one question remains , where is the pleasure of the Goddess for which this festival is meant , to be thankful to her and please her , since we cannot possibly be able to repay her for the blessing she as already bestowed upon us insignificant souls?. If we keep our selfish motive of entertainment in the center instead of Mother Durga and try to enjoy the festival, then there is no surprise that we see so much exploitation, crimes , fights, sexual assaults etc during these festivites, which is a mere reaction to our disobedience of the orders of the Goddess and sign of her displeasure.
Hence it is very essential that instead of encouraging the ignorance of the younger generation, elders and parents have to educate first of all themselves than the younger generation to avoid being pushed into ignorance, or else it will lead them to ruination.
Navrathri as all the festivals in ancient India are celebrated with a spiritual and a divine objective. Navrathri means Nine nights of worship to Goddess of Strength. First three nights are for the worship of Mother Durga to invoke her blessings to counter our sinful activities, Second three nights are for the worship of Mother Lakshmi to bestowed upon us spiritual strength and goodness , and the Last three nights are for worship of Mother Saraswati for spiritual knowlegde.
These are the main reasons for which the festival is celebrated. Also every festival has a pure format where in a person can invoke his or her devotional and spiritual energies to attain the ultimate goal of life which is salvation as per the Vedic Literature.
During Navrathri the form of worship is my dancing in circles and singing bhajans and kirtans praising the activitites and nature of Mother Durga, and thanking her for protecting us from the demons. These dances are performed seperately by men and women to maintain the purity of affairs to obtain devotional objective. These have to be followed strictly which will make one blissful and happy during the festivities.
But it was really saddening to see the celebrations in todays Kaliyuga. Today if anyone asks a youngster, that Why do you celebrate Navartri , the common reply would be " To have fun, enjoy, socialize etc", but no mention of the worship to Goddess Durga. Nobody knows why they are dancing in circles before a diety. Navrathri has lost its main spiritual objective. Formerly songs and bhajans were sung using traditional instruments like drums, cymbals to create a divine atmosphere suitable for the festival, today people have become so much advanced that they think that full orchestra will make Goddess happy. They also think that instead of praising Mother Durga through devotional songs, Goddess will become pleased if we sing some cheap Hindi Flim songs and dance obscenly on these songs and while all the stupidity is going on we will perform a short aarti for Mother Durga for about 15 minutes and then again we will start our dancing on Hindi songs like some concert. Moreover people have become even more brilliant , thinking Navrathri festival is a fashion parade , where in people can were any type of revealing clothing to attract attention. Girls no longer care to dress in a decent way , boys are trying to show off their new hair styles. Girls and boys are freely dancing and mingling without any concerns , Some how or other people also started thinking that Mother Durga will be pleased and bestow her blessings on them if they are drunk during the festival. These are some of the malpractices which has crept in the modern day celebration of Navrathri.
People and Organizers of todays world have made a mockery of the divine Goddess and the festival for her and they are acting in order to satisfy their selfish desires of enjoyment. In the selfish quest to fulfill their motives they are spoiling the future generation of people who have no clue why are they celebrating a particular festival, Nobody even cares to ask these questions that what is the purpose of celebrating Navrathri , why is that garba is done, why do we worship Goddess. It is the responsibility of the older generation to impart this knowledge to the younger generation and tell them the significance and importance of this or any festival , inorder to invoke devotion and quest for spiritual knowledge in them, since it is the most important science which should be know , but unfortunately, due to the effect of the age , every one is just very busy in fulfilling their own desires without even caring for the anger of the Goddess.
Many older people themselves are in ignorance and hence are not able to explain the importance of spirituality and the festivals celebrated in Vedic culture. It is a pity that people have adjusted to such malpractices and failed to see the consequences. Now many people out of their sheer ignorance and weakness in mind , which probably they are not able to figure out , are not protesting , but that will not stop the reactions to these irresponsible actions. So it is very important that instead of simply encouraging the younger generation to fall into the ditch of darkness and ignorance, make it a habbit for them to ask the question Why? , since if one does not become inquisitive to understand things, the person will be fooled by the laws of nature again and again. Everything has its reactions. It is very sad that due to lack of knowledge many innocent people who are capable of learning will also have to suffer.
Now let us analyze the original objective of celebrating Navrathi. It was to invoke devotion and spiritual bliss, which is a reality, but due to the corruption , the younger generation thinks worship of GODS and GODDESS to be a mere myth, which diverts them to demoniac propensities which they see around them. Modern So called Disco Dandiya and dancing on Film Songs are no way invoking any kind of bhakti or devotion , infact , such lusty songs and music are just polluting their minds and making their conviction of Goddess worship being a myth even stronger. Moreover , Girls and boys during Navratri are supposed to dance in seperate circles and not intermingle and dance freely dashing with each other. Also The foremost and main intension of Navrathri is to praise the Goddess, but instead of doing that we are keeping Mother Durga aside and Praising Hindi songs. Also this scared festival is to be done in a pure way , where in girls are supposed to dress decently and boys are also have to be traditionally dressed with humility, but today, Navratri has become a hunting ground for boys and girls and a fashion stage, where in boys are interesed in having "cool" haristyles and dress and girls are more intend on dressing more in a revealing manner to attract attention. So one question remains , where is the pleasure of the Goddess for which this festival is meant , to be thankful to her and please her , since we cannot possibly be able to repay her for the blessing she as already bestowed upon us insignificant souls?. If we keep our selfish motive of entertainment in the center instead of Mother Durga and try to enjoy the festival, then there is no surprise that we see so much exploitation, crimes , fights, sexual assaults etc during these festivites, which is a mere reaction to our disobedience of the orders of the Goddess and sign of her displeasure.
Hence it is very essential that instead of encouraging the ignorance of the younger generation, elders and parents have to educate first of all themselves than the younger generation to avoid being pushed into ignorance, or else it will lead them to ruination.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Maha mantra
" हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे "
" Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare "
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे "
" Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare "
Reality beyond mundane vision
As I sit besides the window and watch the squirels moving around , I come to see the truth in the teachings of Bhagvad Gita. These creatures were constantly restlessly moving around and eating, as soon as other squirell was around they start chasing each other inorder to defend ,these creatures are in ignorance of the real truth, they are acting under illusion which gives them intelligence to only eat , sleep ,mate and defend, It is impossible for them to understand the higher nature they belong to . In order to understand this they have to go through the evolution process of changing their bodies until they reach the human form of life where they will have the intelligence to understand their real purpose of existence.
Looking at them , I wondered how many millions of years I must have spend , being a squirell, a tree, a insect, a hog, a dog and many forms and finally by the grace of Krishna I have been given this chance to understand what really I am , Where is my real home, who is GOD and why are we here. But , even though I am fortunate enough to get the human form of life , it is shameful that i am just wasting it in the lower inferior activities . I have already wasted 27 years of this precious human form of life in eating, sleeping , mating and defending , and trying to please my senses and others without knowing why am I existing and what is my role. I am wasting this high intelligence , in developing improved ways of eating , sleeping , mating and defending , which I already was engaged in my previous births , and for which I had a better body and senses to enjoy. Especially last 10 years I have just wasted in false pursuits to satisfy my mind and body , coming under the grip of maya. Seeing these animals I feel fortunate and wish to stop this useless activities I have been indulging into for so many years , And I pray with all my heart and soul to Krishna,that being a very minute and incapable particle of your manifestation, I do not posses the strength and intellect to fight maya and hence I take shelter of your Lotus feet, surrendering the results of all the activities for the pleasure of Krishna. I pray to All merciful Lord, to give me the intelligence and strength so that I do not wavier from this path of Devotional service ,anytime and be attached to HIS holy name, for this is the only way to get out of the precarious conditions we have put ourselves into .
The reality , one may believe it or not is , that we are in a great illusion called the material nature, which is under the control of Almighty Lord Shri Krishna. We are put into this precarious condition, as a result of our activities and desires to lord it over the material nature. Due to these desires we are given different bodies which have the capacity to fulfill our desires for a while, but since we are not in our real constitution of serving the Lord , the so called happiness we derive using our bodies is limited and fade out very soon. We being the parts of Krishna are qualitatively equal to the lord , but with respects to power we are very minute and insignificant in comparison to the unlimited power of the Lord. So it should be noted that , inorder to be happy ,it is essensial to follow the instructions of the Lord as give in Bhagvad Gita, since it is a rule set forth by the Ruler of the world, Everthing that we see around is a property of Krishna, and encroaching Krishna's property for our senses is criminal , and hence the uhappy state of affairs we place our selves into.
It is little difficult to understand these concepts being in illusion of maya, but as soon as one desires from the heart to know the truth and is fed up with the constant changes in the material nature , one can understand these concepts slowly and gradually by the mercy of the Lord. Only thing one needs , is to be completely surrendered to Krishna and a unflinching faith in HIS words and a constant reading of Bhagvat Gita , while following the four regulative principles of , no meat eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex and no gambling.
Looking at them , I wondered how many millions of years I must have spend , being a squirell, a tree, a insect, a hog, a dog and many forms and finally by the grace of Krishna I have been given this chance to understand what really I am , Where is my real home, who is GOD and why are we here. But , even though I am fortunate enough to get the human form of life , it is shameful that i am just wasting it in the lower inferior activities . I have already wasted 27 years of this precious human form of life in eating, sleeping , mating and defending , and trying to please my senses and others without knowing why am I existing and what is my role. I am wasting this high intelligence , in developing improved ways of eating , sleeping , mating and defending , which I already was engaged in my previous births , and for which I had a better body and senses to enjoy. Especially last 10 years I have just wasted in false pursuits to satisfy my mind and body , coming under the grip of maya. Seeing these animals I feel fortunate and wish to stop this useless activities I have been indulging into for so many years , And I pray with all my heart and soul to Krishna,that being a very minute and incapable particle of your manifestation, I do not posses the strength and intellect to fight maya and hence I take shelter of your Lotus feet, surrendering the results of all the activities for the pleasure of Krishna. I pray to All merciful Lord, to give me the intelligence and strength so that I do not wavier from this path of Devotional service ,anytime and be attached to HIS holy name, for this is the only way to get out of the precarious conditions we have put ourselves into .
The reality , one may believe it or not is , that we are in a great illusion called the material nature, which is under the control of Almighty Lord Shri Krishna. We are put into this precarious condition, as a result of our activities and desires to lord it over the material nature. Due to these desires we are given different bodies which have the capacity to fulfill our desires for a while, but since we are not in our real constitution of serving the Lord , the so called happiness we derive using our bodies is limited and fade out very soon. We being the parts of Krishna are qualitatively equal to the lord , but with respects to power we are very minute and insignificant in comparison to the unlimited power of the Lord. So it should be noted that , inorder to be happy ,it is essensial to follow the instructions of the Lord as give in Bhagvad Gita, since it is a rule set forth by the Ruler of the world, Everthing that we see around is a property of Krishna, and encroaching Krishna's property for our senses is criminal , and hence the uhappy state of affairs we place our selves into.
It is little difficult to understand these concepts being in illusion of maya, but as soon as one desires from the heart to know the truth and is fed up with the constant changes in the material nature , one can understand these concepts slowly and gradually by the mercy of the Lord. Only thing one needs , is to be completely surrendered to Krishna and a unflinching faith in HIS words and a constant reading of Bhagvat Gita , while following the four regulative principles of , no meat eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex and no gambling.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Great Loss of intelligence
As predicted some 5000 years ago in Srimad Bhagvatam , the people in the Age of Kali have become ignorant and lost their intelligence to sense gratification and weakness of mind. Everyone today considers America to be one of the most powerful and richest country and a happy nation and others in the world think to live a American Life. Well I was one of them until my fantasy was shattered when I actually landed on this land.
After staying here for a little more than 2 years and looking at the conditions of life in America, I consider America to be most unfortunate and poorest of nations . I know these statements are shocking for some and utterly outrages for most Americans, but It is a fact. When I see around me America has all material opulences as given my GOD, but still the people hear are afraid, unhappy, always, angry and lusty. Even after having so much wealth why are people so unhappy in this place. The answer is found in Bhagvad Gita. The answer to this is the great loss of intelligence.
As per Vedic Wisdom, each living entity is on this planet for sense gratification. Everyone has a part to play. Vedic literature describes the duties of different classes of men and their functions for the smooth running of the social order and to attain ultimate goal of human life which is to realize GOD.
As per the Vedas, society has to be divided in to 4 classes of men namely , brahmanas, kshtriyas, vaishyas and sudras. These classes have to made as per once qualifications and not based on birth. Bramhnas are described as the brains of the society ,ksahtriyas the adminstrative heads, viashyas the mechantile class and sudras the workers.
Bramhanas hold the topmost position who instruct the kshasriyas to rule the world on religious principles as per the guidelines or instructions of the Supreme through Vedas. Kshatriyas are the second class , vaishays the thrid class and sudras the fourth class.
These divisions are based on the qualification of the person and not on birth. If a person is born in bramhan family but does not have any brahmanical qualifications he should be considered a sudra. This was the norm. But due to the effect of this age, everyone today have started claiming their rights on others properies and have fallen below sudra level. so in todays society we find no bramhans or kshariyas . The society is dominated by sudras who donot follow any rules and regulations and do whimsically whatever feels good. That is the norm these days.
It is saddening to see that, drinking , smoking, illicit sex, gambling which are the four pillars of sinful life are so prominent in America that people have considering it to be normal. Infact people wait till they are 21 so that they can start drinking. This is the most fallen situation. The condition is created by the ignorant leaders who are whimsically misleading the people so that they themselves can enjoy.
Moreover, Vedas also describe the specific duties of a man and a woman , inorder to maintian a healthy society so that they both can advance in spiritual understanding and reach their ultimate goal of life , i.e of know Krishna. As per the vedas men have are endowed with specific qualities and women with different qualities and when both of them work in conjuction with their qualities they can succeed.
Men have a higher intelligence than women , Again in todays world most of the women would consider to be a partial or male ego comment, but this is a fact. But what these women fail to recognize is that they are endowed with a quality of affection , which is lacking in men. This quality is very powerful, any women who becomes affectionate to God can become most exalted devvotee of Krishna, very quickly without going through the trouble some path of self realization through vedas. Whereas men who are intelligent cannot belive in anything very quickly and have to learn the vedas to generate this affection.
Hence the Vedas describe that men are supposed to learn the Vedas thorougly to develop devotion and love for GODHEAD . Since they have the intelligence they are supposed to support the women at everystage of their lives in order to protect them from being misused because of their natural tendency of becoming affectionate.
Similarly women are supposed to be chaste and support her learned husband in every decision he makes and help and serve him in order to advance spiritually with him.
But Now a days, because of so called democracy and propaganda of some selfish men to satisfy their lust, women are made to think that they are independent and can do as they wish without the support of men . This has lead to a chaotic situation where, women's bodies are used for satifying the lust of few men in the name of modelling, advertisements, movies they just propound lusty behavior. By nature women are allured my material things, hence they easily believe all this propaganda and are misled. In America , it is most prominent now a days, they change their partners and have unrestricted sexual relations with any partner without considering its consequences. People have lost all their intelligence to lust , greed, anger, pride and have forgotten the laws laid down by GOD. People in so called rich America are disturbed in their minds, since they have no control on their desires. They do whimsically what their minds tell them to do. Minds of most of the people are covered with lust, anger, false pride, ego and they act to satisfy these things creating actions which they will have to pay for in this or next life.
Every child raised here has these lust , anger false pride and ego embedded in them from the very beginning and hence they it becomes very difficult of them to imagine a happier world were they are free from all these anxieties and they can enjoy a constant bliss. They are constantly bombarded with the images, of violence, sex, pride, through television, new papers. They are constantly being trained from their childhood to only work for enjoying life ,without knowing their role and responsibility in the world. Now in this polluted atmosphere they loose all their control and during the last stages of their life they become lonely and deserted where death awaits them , when they have to leave all the material positions, loved once, their country , their wealth, their ego of being an American and all that they dreamt of to accept another body of a animal because they have wasted one chance of human form in nonsense.
While considering all these factors and reviewing the lifes lived by Americans in the light of Bhagvad Gita and the age old Vedas , there is no surprise when I say that Americans are the Most poorest of all due to the great loss of intelligence in this land. So I would appeal to all those who happen to read this, To please leave their false egos aside and for once , atleast once try to understand the philosophy of Bhagvad Gita As it is , and then see altogether another dimension of life.
After staying here for a little more than 2 years and looking at the conditions of life in America, I consider America to be most unfortunate and poorest of nations . I know these statements are shocking for some and utterly outrages for most Americans, but It is a fact. When I see around me America has all material opulences as given my GOD, but still the people hear are afraid, unhappy, always, angry and lusty. Even after having so much wealth why are people so unhappy in this place. The answer is found in Bhagvad Gita. The answer to this is the great loss of intelligence.
As per Vedic Wisdom, each living entity is on this planet for sense gratification. Everyone has a part to play. Vedic literature describes the duties of different classes of men and their functions for the smooth running of the social order and to attain ultimate goal of human life which is to realize GOD.
As per the Vedas, society has to be divided in to 4 classes of men namely , brahmanas, kshtriyas, vaishyas and sudras. These classes have to made as per once qualifications and not based on birth. Bramhnas are described as the brains of the society ,ksahtriyas the adminstrative heads, viashyas the mechantile class and sudras the workers.
Bramhanas hold the topmost position who instruct the kshasriyas to rule the world on religious principles as per the guidelines or instructions of the Supreme through Vedas. Kshatriyas are the second class , vaishays the thrid class and sudras the fourth class.
These divisions are based on the qualification of the person and not on birth. If a person is born in bramhan family but does not have any brahmanical qualifications he should be considered a sudra. This was the norm. But due to the effect of this age, everyone today have started claiming their rights on others properies and have fallen below sudra level. so in todays society we find no bramhans or kshariyas . The society is dominated by sudras who donot follow any rules and regulations and do whimsically whatever feels good. That is the norm these days.
It is saddening to see that, drinking , smoking, illicit sex, gambling which are the four pillars of sinful life are so prominent in America that people have considering it to be normal. Infact people wait till they are 21 so that they can start drinking. This is the most fallen situation. The condition is created by the ignorant leaders who are whimsically misleading the people so that they themselves can enjoy.
Moreover, Vedas also describe the specific duties of a man and a woman , inorder to maintian a healthy society so that they both can advance in spiritual understanding and reach their ultimate goal of life , i.e of know Krishna. As per the vedas men have are endowed with specific qualities and women with different qualities and when both of them work in conjuction with their qualities they can succeed.
Men have a higher intelligence than women , Again in todays world most of the women would consider to be a partial or male ego comment, but this is a fact. But what these women fail to recognize is that they are endowed with a quality of affection , which is lacking in men. This quality is very powerful, any women who becomes affectionate to God can become most exalted devvotee of Krishna, very quickly without going through the trouble some path of self realization through vedas. Whereas men who are intelligent cannot belive in anything very quickly and have to learn the vedas to generate this affection.
Hence the Vedas describe that men are supposed to learn the Vedas thorougly to develop devotion and love for GODHEAD . Since they have the intelligence they are supposed to support the women at everystage of their lives in order to protect them from being misused because of their natural tendency of becoming affectionate.
Similarly women are supposed to be chaste and support her learned husband in every decision he makes and help and serve him in order to advance spiritually with him.
But Now a days, because of so called democracy and propaganda of some selfish men to satisfy their lust, women are made to think that they are independent and can do as they wish without the support of men . This has lead to a chaotic situation where, women's bodies are used for satifying the lust of few men in the name of modelling, advertisements, movies they just propound lusty behavior. By nature women are allured my material things, hence they easily believe all this propaganda and are misled. In America , it is most prominent now a days, they change their partners and have unrestricted sexual relations with any partner without considering its consequences. People have lost all their intelligence to lust , greed, anger, pride and have forgotten the laws laid down by GOD. People in so called rich America are disturbed in their minds, since they have no control on their desires. They do whimsically what their minds tell them to do. Minds of most of the people are covered with lust, anger, false pride, ego and they act to satisfy these things creating actions which they will have to pay for in this or next life.
Every child raised here has these lust , anger false pride and ego embedded in them from the very beginning and hence they it becomes very difficult of them to imagine a happier world were they are free from all these anxieties and they can enjoy a constant bliss. They are constantly bombarded with the images, of violence, sex, pride, through television, new papers. They are constantly being trained from their childhood to only work for enjoying life ,without knowing their role and responsibility in the world. Now in this polluted atmosphere they loose all their control and during the last stages of their life they become lonely and deserted where death awaits them , when they have to leave all the material positions, loved once, their country , their wealth, their ego of being an American and all that they dreamt of to accept another body of a animal because they have wasted one chance of human form in nonsense.
While considering all these factors and reviewing the lifes lived by Americans in the light of Bhagvad Gita and the age old Vedas , there is no surprise when I say that Americans are the Most poorest of all due to the great loss of intelligence in this land. So I would appeal to all those who happen to read this, To please leave their false egos aside and for once , atleast once try to understand the philosophy of Bhagvad Gita As it is , and then see altogether another dimension of life.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Most sincere appeal
Dear All,
As mentioned above, the following is my humblest and
the most sincere appeal to all , Some of you might take is seriously,
some may take it as insane, some may become angry and detestful and
some may just sarcastically joke about it and others may neglect it.
These different reactions are due to different mental status in
accordance to the level of ignorance.
Over the 5 years I have been roaming around the world, I
have met with people with different mentalities and have seen various
kinds of people. I know you all must have noticed a shift in my
behavior during the last 6 months or so. There is a reason to it. If
you have looked at my emails, you will find, I have been stressing of
reading Bhagvad Gita a lot these days, well I have done that and put a
sincere effort to understand the philosophy which is so sublime and
important that, it will change your entire life and direct you to the
blisfull and a happy life with no anxiety, that is a guarantee. But
this is only possible if you read the book sincerely and with
submissive attitude, an argumentative attitude will not help.
Now you must be thinking why is that all of a sudden I am
talking all philosophical. Bhagvad Gita says,.
" While contemplating the object of senses a person develops
attachment for them and from such attachement lust develops, and from
lust anger arises"
"From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment
of memory. When memory is bewildered intelligence is lost, and when
intelligence is lost on falls down into the material pool"
"lust is the all devouring enemy of this world" .
While associating with various people during , I observed their
behaviors. Frankly speaking I saw, most of the people I met are
diseased with lust, anger, greed, pride, false prestige, false ego
which is making them sometimes happy and sad, nevertheless everyone I
know is in anxiety all the time. Some people are obsessed with
material things, like restaurants, shopping, clothes , fashion , some
are obsessed with food, some want to speak about others mistakes
without realizing what their own , some want to gossip , some are busy
comparing once wealth , beauty or other such opulences with others and
becoming envious, some are trying to lie, cheat and threaten others to
satisfy this lust which everyone things is love. With so many
anxieties occupying once mind there is no question of happiness,
Inorder to satisfy these anxieties, people take shelter or
intoxication , women or men, gambling, meat eating naively thinking
them to be fun. And I am sorry to say this but all these symptoms are
present in all of us in different degrees. But the fault of our
generation is that, we take it to be normal and try to adjust with
these things and eventually regret on our actions. That is the modern
society we live in.
All these things with are the source of misery , we take it
to be happiness , this is the delusion we are living in, the reason
for this is mentioned in Bhagvad Gita , which says, that It is the
misidentification of ourselves which leads to all this misconceptions.
Most of us identify ourselves to be the body or the mind, but the
truth is we are neither this body or the mind, we are eternal souls
and parts of the same Father.
Now all these things might seem to you as some fairy tale or some
concept with is just a fantasy to all, but the fact is this is the
real truth which cannot be explained but has to be realized.
People talk to me about common sense, but these very people fail to
see, that the lives we are living are no better than animals. Animals
as we see around us , are engaged in four basic things, eating ,
sleeping, mating and defending. We as human beings are doing the same
in a sophisticated ways misusing our higher intelligence to find out
ways of advancing in better eating , better sleeping, better mating
and better defending. But people fail to recognize that this advanced
human form is being bestowed for higher understanding. As per the
Vedas, this human form is very rare and, should not be wasted in
material desires. The purpose of human form of life is to know what
are we and why are we here and Bhagvad Gita is the ABCD of this
inquiry. When you observe the environment around you , intelligent
person would ask , that who is supplying these necessities of life,
such as eating, sleeping, mating and defending to the animals, they
are not building factories of working 9 to 5 jobs , but they are
sustaining , with Gods supply.
I write all these things to you all , because , having spend a little
more than a year or so , I feel that I should share this greatest book
of knowledge which is available only by good fortune to some. Some of
you would think that I am very egoistic and proud to think that I know
better that anyone, but I have no intention to displace any pride
since I am as ignorant as anyone else and only difference is by some
divine intervention, I have been presented with this opportunity and I
am trying to understand this wisdom and I want to share this with you
all. The decision rests on you. Once again I would emphasize that I am
not trying to convert any one to Hinduism or something . I am just
trying to present this scientific knowledge totally unknown to today's
mudane world . All the religious scriptures derive their origin from
this wisdom, that will be realized in the later stages of
understanding. For now one who is serious may try to take this as a
course and try to study with determination and sincerity. With
progress you will find your self detached from all the nonsense things
which has been polluting our minds, and you become least interested
with material discussions. The best way it to have faith in the
teaching and read it diligently every day for atleast half an hour in
the morning and try to apply what is learned there. It is not at all
difficult to find half an hour totally dedicated to this task in the
morning .I am trying to apply and learn this science from past 6
months and I will continue to do it further, If you have any questions
regarding this topic feel free to contact me or visit the following
link where you will find more details, rest of the material
discussions are least attractive to me.
As mentioned above, the following is my humblest and
the most sincere appeal to all , Some of you might take is seriously,
some may take it as insane, some may become angry and detestful and
some may just sarcastically joke about it and others may neglect it.
These different reactions are due to different mental status in
accordance to the level of ignorance.
Over the 5 years I have been roaming around the world, I
have met with people with different mentalities and have seen various
kinds of people. I know you all must have noticed a shift in my
behavior during the last 6 months or so. There is a reason to it. If
you have looked at my emails, you will find, I have been stressing of
reading Bhagvad Gita a lot these days, well I have done that and put a
sincere effort to understand the philosophy which is so sublime and
important that, it will change your entire life and direct you to the
blisfull and a happy life with no anxiety, that is a guarantee. But
this is only possible if you read the book sincerely and with
submissive attitude, an argumentative attitude will not help.
Now you must be thinking why is that all of a sudden I am
talking all philosophical. Bhagvad Gita says,.
" While contemplating the object of senses a person develops
attachment for them and from such attachement lust develops, and from
lust anger arises"
"From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment
of memory. When memory is bewildered intelligence is lost, and when
intelligence is lost on falls down into the material pool"
"lust is the all devouring enemy of this world" .
While associating with various people during , I observed their
behaviors. Frankly speaking I saw, most of the people I met are
diseased with lust, anger, greed, pride, false prestige, false ego
which is making them sometimes happy and sad, nevertheless everyone I
know is in anxiety all the time. Some people are obsessed with
material things, like restaurants, shopping, clothes , fashion , some
are obsessed with food, some want to speak about others mistakes
without realizing what their own , some want to gossip , some are busy
comparing once wealth , beauty or other such opulences with others and
becoming envious, some are trying to lie, cheat and threaten others to
satisfy this lust which everyone things is love. With so many
anxieties occupying once mind there is no question of happiness,
Inorder to satisfy these anxieties, people take shelter or
intoxication , women or men, gambling, meat eating naively thinking
them to be fun. And I am sorry to say this but all these symptoms are
present in all of us in different degrees. But the fault of our
generation is that, we take it to be normal and try to adjust with
these things and eventually regret on our actions. That is the modern
society we live in.
All these things with are the source of misery , we take it
to be happiness , this is the delusion we are living in, the reason
for this is mentioned in Bhagvad Gita , which says, that It is the
misidentification of ourselves which leads to all this misconceptions.
Most of us identify ourselves to be the body or the mind, but the
truth is we are neither this body or the mind, we are eternal souls
and parts of the same Father.
Now all these things might seem to you as some fairy tale or some
concept with is just a fantasy to all, but the fact is this is the
real truth which cannot be explained but has to be realized.
People talk to me about common sense, but these very people fail to
see, that the lives we are living are no better than animals. Animals
as we see around us , are engaged in four basic things, eating ,
sleeping, mating and defending. We as human beings are doing the same
in a sophisticated ways misusing our higher intelligence to find out
ways of advancing in better eating , better sleeping, better mating
and better defending. But people fail to recognize that this advanced
human form is being bestowed for higher understanding. As per the
Vedas, this human form is very rare and, should not be wasted in
material desires. The purpose of human form of life is to know what
are we and why are we here and Bhagvad Gita is the ABCD of this
inquiry. When you observe the environment around you , intelligent
person would ask , that who is supplying these necessities of life,
such as eating, sleeping, mating and defending to the animals, they
are not building factories of working 9 to 5 jobs , but they are
sustaining , with Gods supply.
I write all these things to you all , because , having spend a little
more than a year or so , I feel that I should share this greatest book
of knowledge which is available only by good fortune to some. Some of
you would think that I am very egoistic and proud to think that I know
better that anyone, but I have no intention to displace any pride
since I am as ignorant as anyone else and only difference is by some
divine intervention, I have been presented with this opportunity and I
am trying to understand this wisdom and I want to share this with you
all. The decision rests on you. Once again I would emphasize that I am
not trying to convert any one to Hinduism or something . I am just
trying to present this scientific knowledge totally unknown to today's
mudane world . All the religious scriptures derive their origin from
this wisdom, that will be realized in the later stages of
understanding. For now one who is serious may try to take this as a
course and try to study with determination and sincerity. With
progress you will find your self detached from all the nonsense things
which has been polluting our minds, and you become least interested
with material discussions. The best way it to have faith in the
teaching and read it diligently every day for atleast half an hour in
the morning and try to apply what is learned there. It is not at all
difficult to find half an hour totally dedicated to this task in the
morning .I am trying to apply and learn this science from past 6
months and I will continue to do it further, If you have any questions
regarding this topic feel free to contact me or visit the following
link where you will find more details, rest of the material
discussions are least attractive to me.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Somthing to think about!!!!
Death, as we all know is a sure reality. At the end of ones lifetime a living entity has to leave whatever material possesion he has accumulated and die. At this critical moment of time, nodbody can help you to live longer , even the doctors become helpless. Nor millions of dollars, not the assests , not your family, wife, chlidren, mother , father, or friends can save a person from death, so this reality brings us to a point were we as human beings having an advanced intelligence should think , that if everthing I accumulate by so much of effort is going to be taken away from me then , why should i work for the bare neccessities so hard . One may argue that since the life is short and one is going to die one should enjoy as much as possible at any body's expense. Well it is a very lucrative idea but it is an idea which is full of ignorance and has no reality . People are made to think in this way in todays modern world. This is mainly because the innocent mass of people are led by some ignorant and atheistic , selfish leaders. Young generation who have seen their forefathers, worshipping and following religious principles , do not feel the need to so the same since the world around them does not care for it , the world they live in is full of hypocrisy and ignorance,at every step, so the due of the parents in this age has increased immensely to properly educate with proper reasoning about the religious and regulative principles inorder to avoid them to be pushed into ignorance.
Now from Bhagvat Gita and other vedic scriptures, we get the information, though death is fact, it is not the end of life. A person or a individual we see in this world is a eternal spirit soul, this spirit soul is never destroyed, burnt, wettet, dried or anhiliated, the symptoms of the soul is consiouscess in the body. The nature of the soul is to be blissfull and happy ,hence every individual in this world is searching for happiness,
The search for happiness is not something material , it is the property of the soul. But the major drawback of the modern philosophy is that they are not adequately made aware of these principles and hence they are misdirected to fall in to ignorance. Now one may ask , ok if there is a soul so what is the connection of death? The answer to it is , death is a phenomenon, wherein this soul , changes body and goes to another body according to the activities and desires in his present and previous life. So life of any person who is a spirit soul or the consiouscness and not the body, is eternal and does not end. As per the activities it performs in this life will determine his next life. For example , if a person not considering these things, carelessly , indulges in just eating , sleeping, mating and defending, which pertain to this material body , will have to accept a body of an animal , which has better resources to fulfill the purpose which he is interested in, i.e eating, sleeping, mating and defending. These are the repucursions of living life of so called " enjoy and be merry life is short" , indeed life is short hence one should immediately think of utilizing it properly in Krishna consiouness and not wasting it. For, you do not know , when you will again get a chance of this human form of life with advanced intelligence.
Moreover, if you analyse the life lived by a Krishna consious person and a so called modern man, you will find that even materially , a Krishna conscious person is happier and satisfied than a modern day man , who is always tensed and full of anxiety due to fear and unpredictable future, since he is in ignorance without the wisdom of age old Bhagvad Gita.
So lets analyse the aspects as they stand today.
Modern philosophy,
1. Enjoy, life is short and one day
your are going to die, what is the use of following regulative priciples.
Vedic Philosophy,
1. Human life is meant to achieve Krishna consciousness and elevate to spiritual realm of GOD.
Modern Philosophy,
2. Highly insufficient to explain a logical
explanation of origin of life and
purpose of life.
Vedic Philosophy,
2. Gives exact number , dates and years on the species and the creation of the universe.
Moder Philoshophy
3. Looks very lucrative , but pushes one
into a darkness where people are frustrated
envious, jealous, hypocrates , lusty, and
criminal minded.
Vedic Philosophy
3. Indeed requires some hardwork and effort to understand the philosophy and apply, but makes on self realised of the true meaning of life and it gives happiness if practiced.
Modern Philosophy
4. This philoshopy is based on mental speculation
Vedic Philosophy
4. Philosophy can be realized in its true essence when practiced properly under the supervision of a bonafide spiritual master.
Modern Philosophy
5. Leads to lot of after affects , life , frustration
anger, anxiety, fear etc.
Vedic Philosophy
5. No harm at all, will make person lovable, free from anger and fear.
So it is a point to be thought by intelligent men, whether , it is worth spending the most valuable human form in quest of something that is never going to be true, or to utilize this life for finding out the truth and following them. First step to understanding the absolute truth and end the cycle of birth and death is to understand in toto the philosophy of Bhagvad Gita As it is and try to apply it practically.
Now from Bhagvat Gita and other vedic scriptures, we get the information, though death is fact, it is not the end of life. A person or a individual we see in this world is a eternal spirit soul, this spirit soul is never destroyed, burnt, wettet, dried or anhiliated, the symptoms of the soul is consiouscess in the body. The nature of the soul is to be blissfull and happy ,hence every individual in this world is searching for happiness,
The search for happiness is not something material , it is the property of the soul. But the major drawback of the modern philosophy is that they are not adequately made aware of these principles and hence they are misdirected to fall in to ignorance. Now one may ask , ok if there is a soul so what is the connection of death? The answer to it is , death is a phenomenon, wherein this soul , changes body and goes to another body according to the activities and desires in his present and previous life. So life of any person who is a spirit soul or the consiouscness and not the body, is eternal and does not end. As per the activities it performs in this life will determine his next life. For example , if a person not considering these things, carelessly , indulges in just eating , sleeping, mating and defending, which pertain to this material body , will have to accept a body of an animal , which has better resources to fulfill the purpose which he is interested in, i.e eating, sleeping, mating and defending. These are the repucursions of living life of so called " enjoy and be merry life is short" , indeed life is short hence one should immediately think of utilizing it properly in Krishna consiouness and not wasting it. For, you do not know , when you will again get a chance of this human form of life with advanced intelligence.
Moreover, if you analyse the life lived by a Krishna consious person and a so called modern man, you will find that even materially , a Krishna conscious person is happier and satisfied than a modern day man , who is always tensed and full of anxiety due to fear and unpredictable future, since he is in ignorance without the wisdom of age old Bhagvad Gita.
So lets analyse the aspects as they stand today.
Modern philosophy,
1. Enjoy, life is short and one day
your are going to die, what is the use of following regulative priciples.
Vedic Philosophy,
1. Human life is meant to achieve Krishna consciousness and elevate to spiritual realm of GOD.
Modern Philosophy,
2. Highly insufficient to explain a logical
explanation of origin of life and
purpose of life.
Vedic Philosophy,
2. Gives exact number , dates and years on the species and the creation of the universe.
Moder Philoshophy
3. Looks very lucrative , but pushes one
into a darkness where people are frustrated
envious, jealous, hypocrates , lusty, and
criminal minded.
Vedic Philosophy
3. Indeed requires some hardwork and effort to understand the philosophy and apply, but makes on self realised of the true meaning of life and it gives happiness if practiced.
Modern Philosophy
4. This philoshopy is based on mental speculation
Vedic Philosophy
4. Philosophy can be realized in its true essence when practiced properly under the supervision of a bonafide spiritual master.
Modern Philosophy
5. Leads to lot of after affects , life , frustration
anger, anxiety, fear etc.
Vedic Philosophy
5. No harm at all, will make person lovable, free from anger and fear.
So it is a point to be thought by intelligent men, whether , it is worth spending the most valuable human form in quest of something that is never going to be true, or to utilize this life for finding out the truth and following them. First step to understanding the absolute truth and end the cycle of birth and death is to understand in toto the philosophy of Bhagvad Gita As it is and try to apply it practically.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Why does bad things happen to good people?
One may ask , this question and question the judgement of GOD , It often is puzzling when we see some very terrible things happening to people who are good. Well the answer leads to reincarnation.
Many people today do not have a slightest of idea about reincarnation or life after death, many people donot "believe" in reincarnation. The question of believing or not believing , arises when one is in ignorance, but when by the grace of Krishna and Guru, one becomes knowlegdable , there is no such thing as belief, everhing is a fact. As per Bhagvat Gita , a living entity after death changes bodies , in the same way as he changes clothes, this phenomena is called transmigration of soul or in other words reincarnation.
The living soul, changes or transmigrate from one body another according to his desires in the past life under the direction of the nature. In that particular body the living soul, does some work during his prescribed lifetime from birth to death and the results of work, that is karma ,has to be paid by the living entity as per the law , so it some of these results are carried to the next life from the previous lives.
Thus , whatever a person experiences ,in this life, i.e good or bad is nothing but the payment of his karma or actions. So a person may be acting good in this life due to his good activities in past life, but , the sinful acts or the bad karma , from the previous lives , puts that particular individual into distress. So happiness and distress experienced by a person are only because of his bad karma and not because of any one else. A person in the current situation who has caused that distress is just a medium by which you are paying off your debt. Now if a person out of ignorace starts blaming others for his distress , he starts developing negative karma, which he has to pay in later stages of life. Thus a person is constantly creating and paying karma in a cycle of birth as per his activities. Now some one may ask , so is there and escape to this cycle , the answer is yes, By sincerely surrendering to the lotus feet of Krishna (GOD) one becomes free from this cycle of birth and death.
Now one more question that may arise is why is that GOD , put us in this viscous circle ,if he is nice?
Well GOD is good, he is always a well wisher of a living entity, It is not GOD's fault that we are stuck in this cycle, but it is our desires which place us in this precarious position. We wanted to lord it over the material nature and become GOD ourselves , and Krishna is just giving us that chance. He never interferes with the little independence we living entities have. In fact , GOD is so kind, that every moment, he finds and the opportunity sitting with every ones heart to instruct the living entity to return back to HIM. He sends his representatives in order to carry out his missions.
Many people today do not have a slightest of idea about reincarnation or life after death, many people donot "believe" in reincarnation. The question of believing or not believing , arises when one is in ignorance, but when by the grace of Krishna and Guru, one becomes knowlegdable , there is no such thing as belief, everhing is a fact. As per Bhagvat Gita , a living entity after death changes bodies , in the same way as he changes clothes, this phenomena is called transmigration of soul or in other words reincarnation.
The living soul, changes or transmigrate from one body another according to his desires in the past life under the direction of the nature. In that particular body the living soul, does some work during his prescribed lifetime from birth to death and the results of work, that is karma ,has to be paid by the living entity as per the law , so it some of these results are carried to the next life from the previous lives.
Thus , whatever a person experiences ,in this life, i.e good or bad is nothing but the payment of his karma or actions. So a person may be acting good in this life due to his good activities in past life, but , the sinful acts or the bad karma , from the previous lives , puts that particular individual into distress. So happiness and distress experienced by a person are only because of his bad karma and not because of any one else. A person in the current situation who has caused that distress is just a medium by which you are paying off your debt. Now if a person out of ignorace starts blaming others for his distress , he starts developing negative karma, which he has to pay in later stages of life. Thus a person is constantly creating and paying karma in a cycle of birth as per his activities. Now some one may ask , so is there and escape to this cycle , the answer is yes, By sincerely surrendering to the lotus feet of Krishna (GOD) one becomes free from this cycle of birth and death.
Now one more question that may arise is why is that GOD , put us in this viscous circle ,if he is nice?
Well GOD is good, he is always a well wisher of a living entity, It is not GOD's fault that we are stuck in this cycle, but it is our desires which place us in this precarious position. We wanted to lord it over the material nature and become GOD ourselves , and Krishna is just giving us that chance. He never interferes with the little independence we living entities have. In fact , GOD is so kind, that every moment, he finds and the opportunity sitting with every ones heart to instruct the living entity to return back to HIM. He sends his representatives in order to carry out his missions.
Our true identity
Who are we ? Are we to be known by religion , country, name , caste, creed, sex , occupation or something else. All these are just designations of the material body , which is represented by the above mentioned elements, but factually, every living entity in this universe is a servant of GOD, when he forgets this constitutional position , the living entity under the influence of maya(illusion ) starts serving his senses. Hence one way or the other every one is serving , the only difference is with the minute independence the living soul has , he can either prefer to serve Krishna , the reserviour of all pleasure ,or he can choose to serve the senses under the influence of maya , which is under the supervision on Krishna. So one way or the other a living entity is still serving Krishna.
This fact is easily visible, a person who is lusty searchs for the opposite sex in order to serve his genitals, angry person screams and try to beat others inorder to serve his angry mind, fights occur because of the tendency of different mentailties clashing together. So called love of the material world leads into divorces and fights, since the husband or wife is no longer capable of satisfying others senses. So this is how people are serving different senses.
Whereas a devotee , engages in the normal activities ,but only to serve krishna, all his senses are utilized to serve krishna, he uses his tounge to chant Krishna;s holy name, and to taste krishna prasadam, his eyes to see Krishna , his nose to smell flowers offered to krishna, legs to go to the temple, hands to prepare food of do service for Krishna, genitals to beget children in Krishna consiousness, hence all his senses are controlled and he lives in peace.
But the most unfortunate thing for this so called modern age is , people are too much engrossed in serving their senses, this is only due to ignorance. The biggest problem is they do not see the need to change this and find out the source of ever lasting happiness, inorder to find a little happiness , they are ready insult others, exploit , cheat in order to please their senses. It is impossible to fully satisfy the senses, that is explained in Bhagvad Gita, senses are compared to snakes , they will never stop hissing, so it is a waste labor to work day and night to satisfy the senses and neglect the self. Young boys and girls , today are engrossed in so much of materilism, that many of them dont even find time for GOD a few minutes in a day. We have become so ungrateful, that we, the part and parcel of GOD, are living in the world created by him, which is his property, using a body given by him, everything practically we are attached to is HIS property , but we are fighting with each other to acquire the lordship on it , which will be forcefully taken from us at the time of death , instead of thanking him for what he has given and using it properly for HIS enjoyment.
People around the world are just setting up bad examples for the future generations, which will be born in a polluted environment, where, they will be taught only to work hard to gratify the senses and die in the end with a regret that with so much of efforts it also, he was unsuccessful in his mission to satisfy his senses.
It is utmost important or to pharse is better MOST important the responsible people should read this age old wisdon Bhagvat Gita and take to Krishna ,rather than wasting this human form of life simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending .
This fact is easily visible, a person who is lusty searchs for the opposite sex in order to serve his genitals, angry person screams and try to beat others inorder to serve his angry mind, fights occur because of the tendency of different mentailties clashing together. So called love of the material world leads into divorces and fights, since the husband or wife is no longer capable of satisfying others senses. So this is how people are serving different senses.
Whereas a devotee , engages in the normal activities ,but only to serve krishna, all his senses are utilized to serve krishna, he uses his tounge to chant Krishna;s holy name, and to taste krishna prasadam, his eyes to see Krishna , his nose to smell flowers offered to krishna, legs to go to the temple, hands to prepare food of do service for Krishna, genitals to beget children in Krishna consiousness, hence all his senses are controlled and he lives in peace.
But the most unfortunate thing for this so called modern age is , people are too much engrossed in serving their senses, this is only due to ignorance. The biggest problem is they do not see the need to change this and find out the source of ever lasting happiness, inorder to find a little happiness , they are ready insult others, exploit , cheat in order to please their senses. It is impossible to fully satisfy the senses, that is explained in Bhagvad Gita, senses are compared to snakes , they will never stop hissing, so it is a waste labor to work day and night to satisfy the senses and neglect the self. Young boys and girls , today are engrossed in so much of materilism, that many of them dont even find time for GOD a few minutes in a day. We have become so ungrateful, that we, the part and parcel of GOD, are living in the world created by him, which is his property, using a body given by him, everything practically we are attached to is HIS property , but we are fighting with each other to acquire the lordship on it , which will be forcefully taken from us at the time of death , instead of thanking him for what he has given and using it properly for HIS enjoyment.
People around the world are just setting up bad examples for the future generations, which will be born in a polluted environment, where, they will be taught only to work hard to gratify the senses and die in the end with a regret that with so much of efforts it also, he was unsuccessful in his mission to satisfy his senses.
It is utmost important or to pharse is better MOST important the responsible people should read this age old wisdon Bhagvat Gita and take to Krishna ,rather than wasting this human form of life simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending .
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Ignorance personified
Today's Civilization is in the strong grip of ignorance. Ignorance means not with material ignorance , but ignorance about true nature of life , using and maintaining this all important human form of life. The basic definition of life has become to enjoy life as much as you can at anybodys and every body's expense. People have become arrogant in their dealings, most of them have a smiling face and a polite gesture outwardly but from inside the story is altogether opposite. This is the effect of this age called Kali yuga in the vedice literatures, these things are very correctly pointed out in Srimad Bhagvatam about this age. In Srimad Bhagvatam it states people in this age , will have a short life span and over the years it will become shorter, good qualities ,like , tolerance, mercy, truthfulness will diminsh, and everyone will cheat each other for money, people with money will be considered well cultured and many more things, which are already true in todays age.
It is very unfortunate , that parents have lost control on their own desires and hence are incapable of controlling their children. Parents them selves are indulging in smoking , drinking , illicit sex etc, which naturally influences the child.
Today parents thing satisfying the material desires of a child who is not even aware of good and bad things is showing and expressing their love for their child, but the fact is that this kind of love is weakness , and is only spoiling your children rather than making them responsible individuals.
I have seen such children who now are at the age of 25 -26 and they are totally lost in their material desires, as soon as they get some money they think of spending it for fun, by drinking , smoking and partying , not worrying about the consequences, Having being pampered from the childhood, they have become arrogant and disrespectful to others , which makes them selfish . At the time when they are in thier prime , these moments are happy moments, but , it is a fact that they are ignorant that they are creating troubles for their entire life.
This happens due to lack of restriction on the child's desires , which grows further and takes form of a conviction a mentality of life in the child's mind. It is therefore , very important to educate parents on the science of selfcontrol as stated in Bhagvat Gita , so that they can control and chanelize their chilrens life , inorder to make them human beings.
It has become a norm now a days to speak with each other in a scarcastic tone and try to blame others for all the misahaps and never look at ones own mistake. This is a very dangerous situation and it should be taken seriously by everyone. Hence this age old wisdom of Bhagvat Gita is so very important and essential in every home .
It is very unfortunate , that parents have lost control on their own desires and hence are incapable of controlling their children. Parents them selves are indulging in smoking , drinking , illicit sex etc, which naturally influences the child.
Today parents thing satisfying the material desires of a child who is not even aware of good and bad things is showing and expressing their love for their child, but the fact is that this kind of love is weakness , and is only spoiling your children rather than making them responsible individuals.
I have seen such children who now are at the age of 25 -26 and they are totally lost in their material desires, as soon as they get some money they think of spending it for fun, by drinking , smoking and partying , not worrying about the consequences, Having being pampered from the childhood, they have become arrogant and disrespectful to others , which makes them selfish . At the time when they are in thier prime , these moments are happy moments, but , it is a fact that they are ignorant that they are creating troubles for their entire life.
This happens due to lack of restriction on the child's desires , which grows further and takes form of a conviction a mentality of life in the child's mind. It is therefore , very important to educate parents on the science of selfcontrol as stated in Bhagvat Gita , so that they can control and chanelize their chilrens life , inorder to make them human beings.
It has become a norm now a days to speak with each other in a scarcastic tone and try to blame others for all the misahaps and never look at ones own mistake. This is a very dangerous situation and it should be taken seriously by everyone. Hence this age old wisdom of Bhagvat Gita is so very important and essential in every home .
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Timeline of the universe.

From the authorative sources i.e Vedas , we get the above timeline for the existence of the universe. The point to be noted herein , is that the time line represented here is well organized and with accurate numbers. Hence the source can be taken to be authorative.
The timeline describes that Brahma the first living entity is the engineer and he is the one who engineers this universe,on the instructions of the Supreme Lord Krishna. So all the times are in reference to the life of Brahma. In short As long as brahma lives this universe lives, and when brahma dies, the universe is annhiliated completely.
The years mentioned are earthly years.
Brahmas 1 day (i.e 12 hours ) consists of 14 manvantaras
1 manvantara is the period where the father of living entities called manu generates all the living entities , and 1 manvantara consists of 71 divya yugas.
And 1 divya yuga comprises of 4 cycles , namely, satya yuga , treta yuga, dvapar yuga and kaliyuga.
Such is 1 day of bramha (i.e 12 hours) after the day of bramha, the night comes when brahma sleeps and the lower universes are sunk in the devastation water. After this night which is equal to the day comes yet another day of brahma where creation takes place.
In this way bramha lives for 100 years.
And after 100 years bramha dies and the universe is destroyed.
We currently are in kali yuga of the seventh manvantara as per the scriptures.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Television .. Killing peoples minds.
Television a invention made as a entertainment for men , has turned into a controlling force of peoples life. People rush from their work in a hurry so that they do not miss their favorite shows. Once a person sits in front of the Television , it becomes very difficult to drag him from there. People get annoyed when they are told to switch off the television . So it is evident that television has captured people's mind in such a manner that it has become almost impossible for some to live without television. Television and media has become a force which is directing people's life and pushing them into darkness of ignorance.
Every show or movie and even the so called news channels are broadcasting useless information, which is occupying the minds of the general populace and making them idle in every respect. People have become lazy and are constantly anxious. Bhagvad Gita says inorder to live a happy and a peaceful life, it is utmost neccessary to free ones mind from lust, anger and greed. And our friend Television is broadcasting only these three things with a sweet coating so that people may swallow it. All the shows are filled with sexual scenes whcih invoke lust into persons mind,even so called love stories are based on lust. All the movies have violence, which is a emblem of anger and greed. And the so called news channels which are supposed to be informative are informing about famous people's lusty , greedy and angry behaviors , so that the general populace should become the same.
Sometime ago, somebody told me, it is very important to watch Television, for it gives news and for entertainment. For me , I see no entertainment in Television, I only see demoniac propensities , which put you into further illusion and increase, three vital enemies of the self , namely, lust, greed and anger.
As per the Vedic wisdom, Out of 8400000 species of lives, human form of life obtained by a living soul, is supposed to be the most valued and a rare chance to understand the self and its relation with the Supreme consioness, but as humans , what are we doing is wasting our human form by developing out propensities for greed, lust and anger ,these very same propensities, which are so dear to people in the young or you can say healthy state of its existence, wil pinch and become a nigthmare during the old age, and make everyone think about the wastage they caused during their whole life time.
The civilization has reached to such a point , where is not watching Television is considered a negative point and people look at you will a sarcastic wonder as if you were somekind of a fool , to not participate in the worldwide display of lust, greed and anger. Out of ignorance about the nature of the true self, the older generation also thinks that Television is a ultimate source of enjoyment and people have become addicted to it and which influences the younger generation to follow the same. The so called humour showed on the television represents a sarcastic humor which also induces anger in some corner of the heart. Qualities like, mercy, truthfullness, honesty, tolerance , self control, respect which at some time were prevelant in the society have become alien to the younger generation , which is bought up in the atmosphere of hate, greed, lust, anger , no respect of elders.
Television had killed the imagination of the people and puts people in a illusory plane which just makes them daydreamers.
All the effects of Television are bad , So It is very important to break the jinx and come out of the illusory world of television. It requires a initaite from the elders in the society to control their watching of the television and divert their attention to learning their place in the existance by referring to religious scriputres and teach the same to their kids in order to mend a better society. Thats the only way, to become God conscious.
Every show or movie and even the so called news channels are broadcasting useless information, which is occupying the minds of the general populace and making them idle in every respect. People have become lazy and are constantly anxious. Bhagvad Gita says inorder to live a happy and a peaceful life, it is utmost neccessary to free ones mind from lust, anger and greed. And our friend Television is broadcasting only these three things with a sweet coating so that people may swallow it. All the shows are filled with sexual scenes whcih invoke lust into persons mind,even so called love stories are based on lust. All the movies have violence, which is a emblem of anger and greed. And the so called news channels which are supposed to be informative are informing about famous people's lusty , greedy and angry behaviors , so that the general populace should become the same.
Sometime ago, somebody told me, it is very important to watch Television, for it gives news and for entertainment. For me , I see no entertainment in Television, I only see demoniac propensities , which put you into further illusion and increase, three vital enemies of the self , namely, lust, greed and anger.
As per the Vedic wisdom, Out of 8400000 species of lives, human form of life obtained by a living soul, is supposed to be the most valued and a rare chance to understand the self and its relation with the Supreme consioness, but as humans , what are we doing is wasting our human form by developing out propensities for greed, lust and anger ,these very same propensities, which are so dear to people in the young or you can say healthy state of its existence, wil pinch and become a nigthmare during the old age, and make everyone think about the wastage they caused during their whole life time.
The civilization has reached to such a point , where is not watching Television is considered a negative point and people look at you will a sarcastic wonder as if you were somekind of a fool , to not participate in the worldwide display of lust, greed and anger. Out of ignorance about the nature of the true self, the older generation also thinks that Television is a ultimate source of enjoyment and people have become addicted to it and which influences the younger generation to follow the same. The so called humour showed on the television represents a sarcastic humor which also induces anger in some corner of the heart. Qualities like, mercy, truthfullness, honesty, tolerance , self control, respect which at some time were prevelant in the society have become alien to the younger generation , which is bought up in the atmosphere of hate, greed, lust, anger , no respect of elders.
Television had killed the imagination of the people and puts people in a illusory plane which just makes them daydreamers.
All the effects of Television are bad , So It is very important to break the jinx and come out of the illusory world of television. It requires a initaite from the elders in the society to control their watching of the television and divert their attention to learning their place in the existance by referring to religious scriputres and teach the same to their kids in order to mend a better society. Thats the only way, to become God conscious.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Vedic Science Vs Modern Science
There are two processes by which knowledge can be acquired namely the Ascending process and the Descending Process.
Ascending process , is the process of experimenting and observing the results and then concluding. This process is prominent in modern science. In fact , the modern scientists and most of the people today define science as acquiring knowledge through this process only.
Descending process: Receiving knowledge through disiplic succession from a more infallible source and then testing the knowledge received for authenticity is called the descending process. This process is prominent in Vedic Cultures as found in India.
As per Bhagvad Gita , there are two aspects of the world , material and spiritual. Second chapter in Bhagvad Gita explains that the body is a matter and it is moved by a infallible , indestructible soul. Soul is the superior energy present in the material body which moves the body and which makes the body conscious, Now this can be seen by comparing a living body with the dead body. A living body has a living force which is moving the body , whereas a dead body has no such living force present so it is just a lump of matter to be disposed. Also it states that the soul (living force) is eternal in nature, It cannot be killed or burnt or wetted or dried,where as material body as we see is perishible. It is subject to heat , cold, death , birth, disease, old age etc.
As stated in Bhagvad Gita, this living force is the true identity of any living entity and not the material body.
Material body as per Vedic text , consists of two aspects, namely a gross material body , which we can see and a more subtler material body comprising of mind, intelligence and ego, which is not visible to the eyes.
Let us examine both the modern science and the Vedic Science in the light of Bhagvad Gita.
Modern Science:
1. Uses Ascending process to examine the
material science only , has no knowledge
of the soul.
2. Medical science, invention of bombs,
aircrafts ,etc are some of the discoveries.
3. It requires large investments in the form of
investment and money to discover above large infrastructures ,
mentioned discoveries.
Scientists are wasting their valuable time
in discovering things which are already
Vedic Science :
1. Uses Descending process to examine both the material and spiritual science.
2. Ayurveda , military science, time science ( astronomy, astrology, space science) it has more science on the subtler level of mind , which is absent in modern science
3. It requires no investment of money or but only time to test and apply the teachings.
Ascending process , is the process of experimenting and observing the results and then concluding. This process is prominent in modern science. In fact , the modern scientists and most of the people today define science as acquiring knowledge through this process only.
Descending process: Receiving knowledge through disiplic succession from a more infallible source and then testing the knowledge received for authenticity is called the descending process. This process is prominent in Vedic Cultures as found in India.
As per Bhagvad Gita , there are two aspects of the world , material and spiritual. Second chapter in Bhagvad Gita explains that the body is a matter and it is moved by a infallible , indestructible soul. Soul is the superior energy present in the material body which moves the body and which makes the body conscious, Now this can be seen by comparing a living body with the dead body. A living body has a living force which is moving the body , whereas a dead body has no such living force present so it is just a lump of matter to be disposed. Also it states that the soul (living force) is eternal in nature, It cannot be killed or burnt or wetted or dried,where as material body as we see is perishible. It is subject to heat , cold, death , birth, disease, old age etc.
As stated in Bhagvad Gita, this living force is the true identity of any living entity and not the material body.
Material body as per Vedic text , consists of two aspects, namely a gross material body , which we can see and a more subtler material body comprising of mind, intelligence and ego, which is not visible to the eyes.
Let us examine both the modern science and the Vedic Science in the light of Bhagvad Gita.
Modern Science:
1. Uses Ascending process to examine the
material science only , has no knowledge
of the soul.
2. Medical science, invention of bombs,
aircrafts ,etc are some of the discoveries.
3. It requires large investments in the form of
investment and money to discover above large infrastructures ,
mentioned discoveries.
Scientists are wasting their valuable time
in discovering things which are already
Vedic Science :
1. Uses Descending process to examine both the material and spiritual science.
2. Ayurveda , military science, time science ( astronomy, astrology, space science) it has more science on the subtler level of mind , which is absent in modern science
3. It requires no investment of money or but only time to test and apply the teachings.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Science Without religion is a hoax.
Modern Science believes in proving everything on the basis of experimental facts and perception. But the most important factor which Scientist forget is that the senses a human body posses are all imperfect and limited. They do not have the required power to see or understand everything that we experience. The simplest example that can be given in this context is that our eyes are incapable of seeing without sun. So our power of seeing depends on light.
Also some phenomena cannot be proved by experimentation, they have to be understood philosophically using intelligence and evidences. For example theory of evolution, our very existence.
Most of the people including many scientist and philosophers believe in the theory of evolution given by Charles Darwin. To me it sounds more like a fairy tale. Darwins theory talks about a bigbang and then the creation of gases and from that the planets were created and then first atom was developed from amino acids and then , they evolved to form highly complex human beings who are capable of emotions. There are many things which cannot be explained which are listed as follows :
1. First of all the theory talks about random combination of molecules to form living beings. That means we the human beings have been developed randomly so why does everyone around us try to stay organized and try to be perfect?. Since we are random combinations , then from where did the people get this idea of been organized in their daily affairs?
2. Theory says , the molecules combined to form bacteria then water beings , then they started to develop with combination of molecules to form other living entities to form more complex individuals. If this is true how is that we see so many varieties of life form and we dont see any one species developing from other today? There is a process described with reference to this called natural selection, it says the molecules combine and by natural selection only those which are good are selected to form a higher species and the remaining are rejected, but then who decides and who supplies the power to combine these molecules ?.
3. Also if there was a bigbang , then who created it and even if we assume this hypothetical fairy tale , then who put all the planets in such an organized fashion and accuracy. We do not have any experience that explosions create something. Also if at all it creates the whole universe then why are we wasting our time on manufacturing so many commodities, we can just collect all the ingredients and put them together and explode them to get the things we need . For example , big automobile companys can just collect the iron and plastic and rubber and explode them to create a perfectly operating vehicle, why are they wasting time in machineries and etc?
Thus the above logical and philosophical statements clearly prove that the theories put forward by Darwins theory are fairy tales only with no scientific intelligence whatsoever.
Now the same Questions which are not explained by Darwin, can be easily explained from the point of view of Vedas (religion). Vedas say that there is only one creator of this entire material world and he is all Spiritual . He is the supreme being GOD. We the living entities ( which include plants, animals and humans) are also spiritual and parts and parcels of GOD. But we are put into this material world due to our desires. Constitutionally we are servants of LORD and we have a loving relation with him. We have forgotten are relation with him and hence we are struggling in this material world. So GOD is a person like us and we are his parts and he is our Supreme Father.
1. Since we are the parts of the Supreme father we inherit his qualities too. GOD is perfect being , since he is spiritual he is all good. But we have forgotten our spiritual existence and hence we struggle to become perfect in this material world. We have forgotten our father hence we struggle. So the tendency of every person to strive for perfection or be organized is characteristics of the soul and not a random combination of molecules. Since GOD is eternally Blissful and always in knowledge, we as his parts also try for happiness every moment , but we struggle since we are conditioned. Eternally every soul has a loving relation with GOD , which we try to find by our relations in this material world , but again we struggle , because everything manifested here is temporary. SO if we are living in a temporary environment ,then what is the reality. Our real existence is with GOD in his kingdom.
2. The second argument is refuted even by modern scientist by the concept of intelligent design ( the videos describing intelligent design can be seen on the right of the blog). The complex nature of the DNA's and other working mecahnism's within the cell cannot be a product of random selections. Here's the irony, modern education teaches about cell and its complex nature and its working to create protiens and the DNA structures which are all intelligent designs and on the other hand it teaches Darwins theory of evolution as the basis of our existence, these this does not quite match, since by Darwins theory the complex nature of even one DNA cannot be explained , what to speak of the complex network of veins and systems installed in our body. So when we observe this fairy tale in the light of scientific evidence of the cell , it proves the existence of a most intelligent being GOD. There is a debate between the people who propose Darwins theory and intelligent design, but the debate is there because the people are missing the main element of religion in it. If we see the intelligent design of our body and the world around us in the light of religion (Veda) we can come to a perfect understanding of the world and hence can acknowlegde , thank and eventually love our Supreme Father in devotion.
3. The Big bang Theory is just an imaginary concept of an atheist mind. There was no such Big Bang in the creation. Vedic literatures like Srimad Bhagvatam give vivid and logical explanation with appropraite evidences regarding the creation of the universe with perfect timings. After knowing the real process of creation , it is can be understood that the whole world is governed in a organized and a perfect manner by the infallible LORD. Like the Government , this universe is also governed by a Supreme Person, who has his subordinates as ministers working for the Supreme Person under laws given by GOD for proper functioning of the government. It is from this organization which is described in the Srimad Bhagvatam that we get the idea of organizations and governments. The planets are properly placed and working in sychornization as per the calculations and will of the LORD. So it was not by some random explosion that this universe was created and hence eventually like in the fairy tales everything started working smoothly.
So these are the facts which you get from religious scriptures (Vedas) . Infact all the science we see before our eyes are explained in the Vedas, it was due to some atehist leaders this great knowledge became extinct and people in general were put into this GODLESS civilization we see in today. People in general are made to believe that religion is sentiment and not science , but in true sense religious people are far more great than any mundane materialist who basis his faith on theories like that of Darwin.
I would suggest to whomsoever who may read this, to please look at the evidences with an open mind and review the facts once again in the light of religion (VEDAS) and have faith in them.
Some People argue that how is it possible to believe in GOD , since we don't see him, but often they forget the most of are beliefs are not seen, For example the evolution theory, nobody has seen Darwin and yet people believe in his theory , which is a product of human imagination. But the same people are afraid to have faith in GOD who is without mistakes and the most perfect being. I would hence appeal the general mass to wake up from this illusion created by blind faith and see the real truth through Vedas.
If you need elobarate explanations you can visit the following site from ISKCON.
Also some phenomena cannot be proved by experimentation, they have to be understood philosophically using intelligence and evidences. For example theory of evolution, our very existence.
Most of the people including many scientist and philosophers believe in the theory of evolution given by Charles Darwin. To me it sounds more like a fairy tale. Darwins theory talks about a bigbang and then the creation of gases and from that the planets were created and then first atom was developed from amino acids and then , they evolved to form highly complex human beings who are capable of emotions. There are many things which cannot be explained which are listed as follows :
1. First of all the theory talks about random combination of molecules to form living beings. That means we the human beings have been developed randomly so why does everyone around us try to stay organized and try to be perfect?. Since we are random combinations , then from where did the people get this idea of been organized in their daily affairs?
2. Theory says , the molecules combined to form bacteria then water beings , then they started to develop with combination of molecules to form other living entities to form more complex individuals. If this is true how is that we see so many varieties of life form and we dont see any one species developing from other today? There is a process described with reference to this called natural selection, it says the molecules combine and by natural selection only those which are good are selected to form a higher species and the remaining are rejected, but then who decides and who supplies the power to combine these molecules ?.
3. Also if there was a bigbang , then who created it and even if we assume this hypothetical fairy tale , then who put all the planets in such an organized fashion and accuracy. We do not have any experience that explosions create something. Also if at all it creates the whole universe then why are we wasting our time on manufacturing so many commodities, we can just collect all the ingredients and put them together and explode them to get the things we need . For example , big automobile companys can just collect the iron and plastic and rubber and explode them to create a perfectly operating vehicle, why are they wasting time in machineries and etc?
Thus the above logical and philosophical statements clearly prove that the theories put forward by Darwins theory are fairy tales only with no scientific intelligence whatsoever.
Now the same Questions which are not explained by Darwin, can be easily explained from the point of view of Vedas (religion). Vedas say that there is only one creator of this entire material world and he is all Spiritual . He is the supreme being GOD. We the living entities ( which include plants, animals and humans) are also spiritual and parts and parcels of GOD. But we are put into this material world due to our desires. Constitutionally we are servants of LORD and we have a loving relation with him. We have forgotten are relation with him and hence we are struggling in this material world. So GOD is a person like us and we are his parts and he is our Supreme Father.
1. Since we are the parts of the Supreme father we inherit his qualities too. GOD is perfect being , since he is spiritual he is all good. But we have forgotten our spiritual existence and hence we struggle to become perfect in this material world. We have forgotten our father hence we struggle. So the tendency of every person to strive for perfection or be organized is characteristics of the soul and not a random combination of molecules. Since GOD is eternally Blissful and always in knowledge, we as his parts also try for happiness every moment , but we struggle since we are conditioned. Eternally every soul has a loving relation with GOD , which we try to find by our relations in this material world , but again we struggle , because everything manifested here is temporary. SO if we are living in a temporary environment ,then what is the reality. Our real existence is with GOD in his kingdom.
2. The second argument is refuted even by modern scientist by the concept of intelligent design ( the videos describing intelligent design can be seen on the right of the blog). The complex nature of the DNA's and other working mecahnism's within the cell cannot be a product of random selections. Here's the irony, modern education teaches about cell and its complex nature and its working to create protiens and the DNA structures which are all intelligent designs and on the other hand it teaches Darwins theory of evolution as the basis of our existence, these this does not quite match, since by Darwins theory the complex nature of even one DNA cannot be explained , what to speak of the complex network of veins and systems installed in our body. So when we observe this fairy tale in the light of scientific evidence of the cell , it proves the existence of a most intelligent being GOD. There is a debate between the people who propose Darwins theory and intelligent design, but the debate is there because the people are missing the main element of religion in it. If we see the intelligent design of our body and the world around us in the light of religion (Veda) we can come to a perfect understanding of the world and hence can acknowlegde , thank and eventually love our Supreme Father in devotion.
3. The Big bang Theory is just an imaginary concept of an atheist mind. There was no such Big Bang in the creation. Vedic literatures like Srimad Bhagvatam give vivid and logical explanation with appropraite evidences regarding the creation of the universe with perfect timings. After knowing the real process of creation , it is can be understood that the whole world is governed in a organized and a perfect manner by the infallible LORD. Like the Government , this universe is also governed by a Supreme Person, who has his subordinates as ministers working for the Supreme Person under laws given by GOD for proper functioning of the government. It is from this organization which is described in the Srimad Bhagvatam that we get the idea of organizations and governments. The planets are properly placed and working in sychornization as per the calculations and will of the LORD. So it was not by some random explosion that this universe was created and hence eventually like in the fairy tales everything started working smoothly.
So these are the facts which you get from religious scriptures (Vedas) . Infact all the science we see before our eyes are explained in the Vedas, it was due to some atehist leaders this great knowledge became extinct and people in general were put into this GODLESS civilization we see in today. People in general are made to believe that religion is sentiment and not science , but in true sense religious people are far more great than any mundane materialist who basis his faith on theories like that of Darwin.
I would suggest to whomsoever who may read this, to please look at the evidences with an open mind and review the facts once again in the light of religion (VEDAS) and have faith in them.
Some People argue that how is it possible to believe in GOD , since we don't see him, but often they forget the most of are beliefs are not seen, For example the evolution theory, nobody has seen Darwin and yet people believe in his theory , which is a product of human imagination. But the same people are afraid to have faith in GOD who is without mistakes and the most perfect being. I would hence appeal the general mass to wake up from this illusion created by blind faith and see the real truth through Vedas.
If you need elobarate explanations you can visit the following site from ISKCON.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Real Religion Scientific and not Sentimental
Religion : A kind of faith, this is what modern dictionaries refer religion as. This Wrong notion is has led to many misconceptions, which has put the modern man in dellusion. Religion is ONE and that refers to LOVE OF GOD. If some sect teaches how to revive the lost LOVE FOR GOD, then that sect is practicing perfect religion. Due to the effect of Age of Kali, people have taken religion as faith and are misguiding others, reagarding the same. Faith can be changed any time, but religion cannot be changed, since that is the constitutional position of the living entity, and it is true, that unless a living entity performs its true religion, it is impossible for them the live happily in this material world.
Now Most of the people , have concocted this idea that , religion is just a sentiment , Now it is very essential to analyze this statement.
People in general are made to believe that , since you cannot see GOD it is merely a sentiment to imagine a GOD and believe that he would do everything for you and you have to just prayer.
Well these people are not only ignorant but also unintelligent to think that all that you see around has come into existence through a bigbang. For example if you read darwin's theory of evolution, it has no evidence of a monkey giving birth to a man, how is that then we can believe that men have evovled from monkeys, Also, It is stated that there was a big bang and all the planets were created , this sounds more like a fairy tale story then scientific,Even if we were to believe that there was a big bang then who created this big bang?
Well all these and many more such questions can be put against such a story describing evolution. This theory proposed by some atheist scientist can be taken to be as sentimental, since it has no solid proof. Also if that is what modern, life is based on then , people , living such a life are sentimental and not the people who follow religion.
Religion is to be followed,for a peaceful and happy life, for that to happen, The Lord himself , comes time and again on to this material word to recite the real religion and sets the Rules to be followed called Dharma.
Moreover, scientific , discoveries, in every field, namely, medical ,engineering ,etc which man claims to have achieved is a mere discovery of things which were already there, nothing is created by modern science. The real advance of technology and science can be considered ,when the modern scientific community is able to stop death, or old age, or disease or create a life, which is not possible, till then modern science is just a sentiment , since on the so called discoveries, which are made possible by the grace of GOD , are claimed by man . So this is what is called Sentiment.
But Vedic wisdom, propagates real religion, through all its litetrature, It explains the real identity of a living entity and how the whole universe was created, also, it gives specific examples which, proves its authenticity and , then it shows the path to practice real religion , through its various books, this is what is science, which explains every thing with logic and philosophy. It comes directly from LORD KRISHNA and is meant as a guideline to ultimately attain perfection of life through devotional service to LORD. And it is found that every sect which preaches religion , has its basis in Vedas, if followed properly without ammending it as per own whims.
So now it is for you to decide, whether the world we are living in today is sentimental or the religious institutions are sentimental. Today's Modern world is based on sentimental emotions which will bind a living entity. People are bond with ,lust, greed, anger, false pride, false ego, but there is no love to be found.
GOD is the Supreme authority of LOVE , the SUPREME LOVER, as per the Vedic text, and all the religious processes are directed towards loving GOD since that is what the living entities were created for. Instead of understanding this simple theory , we are wasting time on friends, family, girlfriend, boyfriend and so many others calling this to be love. Religion shows many ways to achieve that perfect LOVE. Since we are ignorant and put into illusion , someway or other our loving propensity is frustrated due to contact with the material atmosphere causing other sentiments as lust, greed , hate, anger etc. Hence true love is possible only with GOD , since it is from him that we got this propensity and he is the reserviour of LOVE .
Now Most of the people , have concocted this idea that , religion is just a sentiment , Now it is very essential to analyze this statement.
People in general are made to believe that , since you cannot see GOD it is merely a sentiment to imagine a GOD and believe that he would do everything for you and you have to just prayer.
Well these people are not only ignorant but also unintelligent to think that all that you see around has come into existence through a bigbang. For example if you read darwin's theory of evolution, it has no evidence of a monkey giving birth to a man, how is that then we can believe that men have evovled from monkeys, Also, It is stated that there was a big bang and all the planets were created , this sounds more like a fairy tale story then scientific,Even if we were to believe that there was a big bang then who created this big bang?
Well all these and many more such questions can be put against such a story describing evolution. This theory proposed by some atheist scientist can be taken to be as sentimental, since it has no solid proof. Also if that is what modern, life is based on then , people , living such a life are sentimental and not the people who follow religion.
Religion is to be followed,for a peaceful and happy life, for that to happen, The Lord himself , comes time and again on to this material word to recite the real religion and sets the Rules to be followed called Dharma.
Moreover, scientific , discoveries, in every field, namely, medical ,engineering ,etc which man claims to have achieved is a mere discovery of things which were already there, nothing is created by modern science. The real advance of technology and science can be considered ,when the modern scientific community is able to stop death, or old age, or disease or create a life, which is not possible, till then modern science is just a sentiment , since on the so called discoveries, which are made possible by the grace of GOD , are claimed by man . So this is what is called Sentiment.
But Vedic wisdom, propagates real religion, through all its litetrature, It explains the real identity of a living entity and how the whole universe was created, also, it gives specific examples which, proves its authenticity and , then it shows the path to practice real religion , through its various books, this is what is science, which explains every thing with logic and philosophy. It comes directly from LORD KRISHNA and is meant as a guideline to ultimately attain perfection of life through devotional service to LORD. And it is found that every sect which preaches religion , has its basis in Vedas, if followed properly without ammending it as per own whims.
So now it is for you to decide, whether the world we are living in today is sentimental or the religious institutions are sentimental. Today's Modern world is based on sentimental emotions which will bind a living entity. People are bond with ,lust, greed, anger, false pride, false ego, but there is no love to be found.
GOD is the Supreme authority of LOVE , the SUPREME LOVER, as per the Vedic text, and all the religious processes are directed towards loving GOD since that is what the living entities were created for. Instead of understanding this simple theory , we are wasting time on friends, family, girlfriend, boyfriend and so many others calling this to be love. Religion shows many ways to achieve that perfect LOVE. Since we are ignorant and put into illusion , someway or other our loving propensity is frustrated due to contact with the material atmosphere causing other sentiments as lust, greed , hate, anger etc. Hence true love is possible only with GOD , since it is from him that we got this propensity and he is the reserviour of LOVE .
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
It is said that a intelligent person learns from his own mistakes , but a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others. But in todays world to find a person who learns from his mistakes are rare, so how can we expect any wise people. Learning from ones mistakes is an art which needs to be developed as a habit in one self, once this art is mastered , then a person can become wise and try to learn from the mistakes committed by others. TO learn from once mistake one has to identify their mistake, but due to false ego and civilizationf on "me" and "mine" everyone has become so blind that no body is ready to admit their mistakes sincerely with a view to improve them, rather it is considered heroic and brave to try to blame others for everything that is wrong and force the other person for all that is went wrong with any relation or any dealing.
This practice is very dangerous since people have forgotten the most important law that binds all the living entities to their actions. This law is evident and can be seen in every facet of life. This law is the law for karma(work). It is most commonly know by the phrase "As you sow , so you reap".
Karma is defined as a action of a living entity which is done own his own accord to satisfy his desires . If the act is good the result will be good , but it if the action is bad it will have bad effects, and all these effects will have to be borne by the living entity in this of future lives.
Just like any government in the world is governed by the particular laws for a proper functioning of the country , similarly , the greatest government (universe) is governed by the law of karma.
Law of karma explains for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What every actions which are caused by the living entity will be borne by the living entity alone.
Bhagvat Gita says ,
karmani yevadikaraste
ma phaleshu kadacana
ma karma phal hetur bhur
ma te sanga steva akarmani.
It means, that the living entities are entitled to carry out their prescribed duties , but are not entitled to the fruits of these activities at any time, since the living entity did not cause the results of these activities , and this should not be the reason for the inaction.
So as per the above sloka , it is clear that , living entity is only a medium to perform the actions through mind and body for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. He is the one who gives us the respective duties and , He is the one who causes the results of such activities, the energy to carry out the prescribed duty is also supplied by him, hence , there is no reason for a living entity to claim the results of activities which it has not perform. But this should not be the reason for inaction on the part of the living entity. As explained in the sloka next to this, that it is impossible for the living entity to sit ideal without doing any action.
This practice is very dangerous since people have forgotten the most important law that binds all the living entities to their actions. This law is evident and can be seen in every facet of life. This law is the law for karma(work). It is most commonly know by the phrase "As you sow , so you reap".
Karma is defined as a action of a living entity which is done own his own accord to satisfy his desires . If the act is good the result will be good , but it if the action is bad it will have bad effects, and all these effects will have to be borne by the living entity in this of future lives.
Just like any government in the world is governed by the particular laws for a proper functioning of the country , similarly , the greatest government (universe) is governed by the law of karma.
Law of karma explains for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What every actions which are caused by the living entity will be borne by the living entity alone.
Bhagvat Gita says ,
karmani yevadikaraste
ma phaleshu kadacana
ma karma phal hetur bhur
ma te sanga steva akarmani.
It means, that the living entities are entitled to carry out their prescribed duties , but are not entitled to the fruits of these activities at any time, since the living entity did not cause the results of these activities , and this should not be the reason for the inaction.
So as per the above sloka , it is clear that , living entity is only a medium to perform the actions through mind and body for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. He is the one who gives us the respective duties and , He is the one who causes the results of such activities, the energy to carry out the prescribed duty is also supplied by him, hence , there is no reason for a living entity to claim the results of activities which it has not perform. But this should not be the reason for inaction on the part of the living entity. As explained in the sloka next to this, that it is impossible for the living entity to sit ideal without doing any action.
LIFE IS SHORT --- ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!! , This has become a common notion and a slogan today , with every young mind been captivated and constantly brain washed to think that LIFE is short and hence the duty of a individual is just to enjoy as much as possible, without any restrictions of any sort and do whatever you wish. This very thinking has let to a degraded lifestyle which has led to more irresponsible young populace , who think their forefathers and elders were some stupid bunch of people who used to worry so much about culture and GOD etc. And whenever these experience elders of the family try to advice the young kids, they consider them to be of old , orthodox thinking and reject their advice, only to find later in their life that they are placed in a difficult situation. Some intelligent and fortunate people admit their mistakes and start on the path of self realization, whereas others get carried away by temporary happiness and become egoistic and commit the same mistakes again to become completely illusioned and forget about GOD completely.
I have seen people who out of their sheer ignorance , very confidently advertise these things. They say as long as you earn sufficient money for your self you enjoy it and don't worry about the others , work hard and party hard simple . Wrong!!!!!! things are not that simple. Often such people are unaware of the facts working against them. As long as you have money and fortune it is very easy to get carried away by these temporary illusions of happiness. But there comes a time when you posses none , and it is these times which usually divert a sane living being towards GOD for help, but again as soon as he finds some relief he goes back to his original ways. Also after been habituated to party , drink , smoke, indulge in illicit sex , the mind is captivated by these things and a person in the absence of these things becomes restless and anxious. During the young phase of life, due to high energy and due to the wonderful illusions created by so called , dance bars, strip clubs, movies, violence, propensity for clubbing, pubbing, drinking , smoking, seems very elluring since, everywhere you look you find one or all of these things. It is very easy to get allured and fall into bad association. It tastes like nectar during the young period which is more of less 10 years, but later on which forms the major portion of the life till death these thinks are not easily available due to various restrictions and this slowly builds up frustration, which leads to anger , lust, greed, and finally illusion, which can only be broken by good assocaition.
So point to be noted here is , it is not very intelligent to loose our whole life to anger, lust, greed, lust and illusion ourselves completely for a few years for so called fun. This fun is also one of the tricks of maya , which makes you think it is fun kicks of which are felt later in the life.
As per the popular slogan, LIFE INDEED IS SHORT, so UTILIZE it to achievem higher happiness by assocaiting with GOD who has the immense capability of satisfying all your desires and give you everlasing happiness , which is never to found in this material world. SO please think over these topics and try to align them with your own lifes and see these things which are working against you. Since our existence is eternal and not this short lifetime of 50-60 years , please try to see the bigger picture and utilize this life time as a human, which is a rare benediction given to you to understand your real loving father , who thinks of your well being every moment.
I have seen people who out of their sheer ignorance , very confidently advertise these things. They say as long as you earn sufficient money for your self you enjoy it and don't worry about the others , work hard and party hard simple . Wrong!!!!!! things are not that simple. Often such people are unaware of the facts working against them. As long as you have money and fortune it is very easy to get carried away by these temporary illusions of happiness. But there comes a time when you posses none , and it is these times which usually divert a sane living being towards GOD for help, but again as soon as he finds some relief he goes back to his original ways. Also after been habituated to party , drink , smoke, indulge in illicit sex , the mind is captivated by these things and a person in the absence of these things becomes restless and anxious. During the young phase of life, due to high energy and due to the wonderful illusions created by so called , dance bars, strip clubs, movies, violence, propensity for clubbing, pubbing, drinking , smoking, seems very elluring since, everywhere you look you find one or all of these things. It is very easy to get allured and fall into bad association. It tastes like nectar during the young period which is more of less 10 years, but later on which forms the major portion of the life till death these thinks are not easily available due to various restrictions and this slowly builds up frustration, which leads to anger , lust, greed, and finally illusion, which can only be broken by good assocaition.
So point to be noted here is , it is not very intelligent to loose our whole life to anger, lust, greed, lust and illusion ourselves completely for a few years for so called fun. This fun is also one of the tricks of maya , which makes you think it is fun kicks of which are felt later in the life.
As per the popular slogan, LIFE INDEED IS SHORT, so UTILIZE it to achievem higher happiness by assocaiting with GOD who has the immense capability of satisfying all your desires and give you everlasing happiness , which is never to found in this material world. SO please think over these topics and try to align them with your own lifes and see these things which are working against you. Since our existence is eternal and not this short lifetime of 50-60 years , please try to see the bigger picture and utilize this life time as a human, which is a rare benediction given to you to understand your real loving father , who thinks of your well being every moment.
Unneccessary Invention
A few days ago , I happen to see a show called Ripely's Believe it or not at one of my cousins place. One of the incidents that was been show was of an invention done by a scientist, who underwent a surgery to insert a computer chip in his body and then programed the computer to send signals of command to the chip inorder to send signals to the brain to function as per the command.
This reasearch depicts and potrays another act of maya (illusion) and proves the effect of this age of kali on the living entities.
Now , there is absolutely no neccessity for such a waste of time in inventions which will illusion your mind further and make you nothing but a puppet in the hands of maya or illusion called technology.
Already people have become addicted to these technological maya. Modern man's life as of today has become more dependent on television, computers, telephone and cellphones. Everyone seems to be so busy either wathching some rubbish on televsion, or just talking some nonsense on the cellphones. Whenver you see a person , talking very animately on telephone and most of the time being on the phone, or internet etc, is presumed to be a very busy man and a important man. This has become a notion, but infact that very person is nothing but a puppent in the hands of technology. The so called invention mentioned above is as attempt to enslave man to the computer technology further more making it absolutely impossible for men to use whatever little intelligence that is left.
Apparently due to so much engagement and interaction with technology, people have less time for GOD , GOD who is the most intelligent being and the greatest sceintist of all, who has made these things which we use. He has given us so many things without our desire for our conveniece , so that we could live happily and eventually go back to him and enjoy with him , but what we choose to do is we get attached to these very things supplied to as a tools to be used to live life.
Just a small glimpse on the greatness and intelligent marvel of the Almighty Lord is visible in the construction and working of our own bodies. Construction and working of our body is highly advanced and complex technology which is beyond the modern science to even percive and what to speak of developing such a complex system at work. The cell which is the buliding block of the entire body is a highly complex structure which has mechnisms comparable to motors in a manufacturing unit. So in terms of analogy , we can compare a single cell to a manufacturing unit , which has many coupled motors and similar mechanisms working in perfect synchonization , under the direction of scripted or encoded instructions through DNA's , to produce proteints and other neccessary ingredients for proper working of the entire machine called body.
This body is empowered with the marginal energy of GOD called the spirit soul to carry out these and many other operations in the whole body. AS we all know inorder to move any particle energy is required , thus this energy is supplied by the self or the soul . And where does the self derive its energy from? from the Almighty and the Supreme reserviour of energy GOD.
Further description on the working of the cell and a evidence of intelligent design could be found from the following links.
So coming back to the point, these highly complex construction of the body is not possible to be acheived by chance or by any human endeavor, This also explains that even the Chemical evolution theory cannot produce these well organized mechanisms , since though we have all the chemicals , but we cannot produce even a single cell.
The revealed scriptures , the Vedas , indicate, that though these machines called the body are so intelligently build and is marvelous as per material or our mudane starndards, for the LORD it is most insignificant and it is said to be the inferior energy of the LORD. Existenace of the inferior enery indicates a superior energy of the LORD , which is said to be the individual soul and it is the part and parcel of the LORD. It is this superior energy which is most dear to him and it is this energy of the LORD , which exhibits, consioucness, and not the machine (body). Machine as we see in this very world is dead, or inactive in nature, it is works only when it interacts with a superior energy that it starts working. For example a computer will only start if there is some person to operate the computer, we donot have any practical experience wherein the computer starts automatically and works as per its on whims and executes all the functions automatically without a superior intelligence.
Hence this very idea of inventing something which would control your already illusioned brain using computer signals ,is not an act of intelligent scientific invention , but a act to be condemned and it is influenced by ignorance of this age, to achieve some false presitge. Please do ponder upon these topics . because these form the basis of our very existence in todays dangerous and risky world.
This reasearch depicts and potrays another act of maya (illusion) and proves the effect of this age of kali on the living entities.
Now , there is absolutely no neccessity for such a waste of time in inventions which will illusion your mind further and make you nothing but a puppet in the hands of maya or illusion called technology.
Already people have become addicted to these technological maya. Modern man's life as of today has become more dependent on television, computers, telephone and cellphones. Everyone seems to be so busy either wathching some rubbish on televsion, or just talking some nonsense on the cellphones. Whenver you see a person , talking very animately on telephone and most of the time being on the phone, or internet etc, is presumed to be a very busy man and a important man. This has become a notion, but infact that very person is nothing but a puppent in the hands of technology. The so called invention mentioned above is as attempt to enslave man to the computer technology further more making it absolutely impossible for men to use whatever little intelligence that is left.
Apparently due to so much engagement and interaction with technology, people have less time for GOD , GOD who is the most intelligent being and the greatest sceintist of all, who has made these things which we use. He has given us so many things without our desire for our conveniece , so that we could live happily and eventually go back to him and enjoy with him , but what we choose to do is we get attached to these very things supplied to as a tools to be used to live life.
Just a small glimpse on the greatness and intelligent marvel of the Almighty Lord is visible in the construction and working of our own bodies. Construction and working of our body is highly advanced and complex technology which is beyond the modern science to even percive and what to speak of developing such a complex system at work. The cell which is the buliding block of the entire body is a highly complex structure which has mechnisms comparable to motors in a manufacturing unit. So in terms of analogy , we can compare a single cell to a manufacturing unit , which has many coupled motors and similar mechanisms working in perfect synchonization , under the direction of scripted or encoded instructions through DNA's , to produce proteints and other neccessary ingredients for proper working of the entire machine called body.
This body is empowered with the marginal energy of GOD called the spirit soul to carry out these and many other operations in the whole body. AS we all know inorder to move any particle energy is required , thus this energy is supplied by the self or the soul . And where does the self derive its energy from? from the Almighty and the Supreme reserviour of energy GOD.
Further description on the working of the cell and a evidence of intelligent design could be found from the following links.
So coming back to the point, these highly complex construction of the body is not possible to be acheived by chance or by any human endeavor, This also explains that even the Chemical evolution theory cannot produce these well organized mechanisms , since though we have all the chemicals , but we cannot produce even a single cell.
The revealed scriptures , the Vedas , indicate, that though these machines called the body are so intelligently build and is marvelous as per material or our mudane starndards, for the LORD it is most insignificant and it is said to be the inferior energy of the LORD. Existenace of the inferior enery indicates a superior energy of the LORD , which is said to be the individual soul and it is the part and parcel of the LORD. It is this superior energy which is most dear to him and it is this energy of the LORD , which exhibits, consioucness, and not the machine (body). Machine as we see in this very world is dead, or inactive in nature, it is works only when it interacts with a superior energy that it starts working. For example a computer will only start if there is some person to operate the computer, we donot have any practical experience wherein the computer starts automatically and works as per its on whims and executes all the functions automatically without a superior intelligence.
Hence this very idea of inventing something which would control your already illusioned brain using computer signals ,is not an act of intelligent scientific invention , but a act to be condemned and it is influenced by ignorance of this age, to achieve some false presitge. Please do ponder upon these topics . because these form the basis of our very existence in todays dangerous and risky world.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
illusion in illusion
As the residents or inhabitants of the material world we are already put under a spell of illusion (maya), which makes us think that we are the body or the mind , but factually we are a spirit soul.
On top of that illusion, the television shows and movies , tend to strenghten that illuison and make it so strong that it becomes almost impossible for a living soul to break out of that mould.
The so called forms of entertainment, which include, television, hiphop and rock music etc, reflect the modes of passion and ignorance .
Modes of nature as defined earlier comprise of 3 types, and by associating with them a living entity concots a particular conception of life.
Mode of Goodness : comprises of godly characteristics, wherein the focus of the living entity is focussed on the Supreme Personality of GODHEAD ,as the cause of all causes, and where in the living entity is aware of the repucurssions of his every action, as per the law of karma.
Mode of Passion : Has a little cocept of GOD as the order supplier,i.e If one is in need of some material benefit ,he approaches GOD. Living entities in mode of passion are generally, very active in fruitive activities to satisfy their senses. Hence driking, illicit sex, gambling and meat eating is prominent. They are attached to material achievements.
Mode of Ignorace : Characteristed by laziness and atheism and uncleaniness.
Every living entity at anytime is subject ot a mixture of these modes of nature. Sometimes Goodness is prominent and other times passion or ignorace become prominent.
Now the mode of nature in which a living entity is situated depends a great deal on the association he is in .
For example, if a person assocaites with the drunkards all the time, he would soon become a drunkard and will be thus situated in the modes of passion and ignorance, and if the same person assocaites with people in goodness, goodness will reflect in his behaviour and gradually he will leave his drinking habits.
Now todays television and in general most of the people around us are found to be in the modes of passion and ignorance. The television shows or movies , depict a picture of illicit sexual relations as a normal thing and a modern day concept , which is very common every where, every advertisement shows a half naked women ,trying to sell some products. Now these images represent the modes of ignorance and passion, since, all the televsion shows, are based on basic concept of sex , which is a product of ignorance and a bodily concept of life.
Sexual intercourse is a neccessity of the body and not of the soul. For the soul it is not essential at all. Sexual intercourse is meant to serve a specific purpose of progeny as per the Vedas, but due to prominance of ignorance and passion in the environment around us , it has become a means of enjoyment, defying its purpose , infact men have deviced ways to eradicate the progeny as a result of sex , by using contraceptive methods. This civilization is influencing every youth and damaging their original conciousness , resulting into frustration, lust, depression, anxiety, disturbance of mind, unneccessary anger and a constant fear.
It has become a common fashion to have boyfriends and girlfriends as a neccessity in the schools and colleges , and not having a so called boy friend or a girlfriend , reflects somekind of a problem with the person. And all those who boast of haveing a girl friend or boyfriend , boast of being in love. The lust to satisfy their own senses is being labelled as love , for most of them have no clue what love is. They scream at their,parents to be with a so called boyfriend or girlfriend, those very parents who made many sacrifices inorder to raise them.Inorder to have their senses satisfied by their socalled love they donot care about the love of their parents and they call this lust to be love.
All these behaviours are influnced by the society. Modern society leaders are themselves in ignorace and passion, so how is that they can lead the mass to a well behaved society of mutual love and respect. All the images being postered or shown on TV or cinema are of sex, violence or racial behaviours, drinking, gambling all the signs of ignorance and passion . Music being played as hiphop , rock have no profound message in them, most of lyrics comprise of some aggressive sarcasm or some crap laungauge which invokes lust, or makes one violent and angry .
On an average, a modern man watches TV for atleast 20-30 hrs in a week ,and listens to the so called music for atleast 50 hrs in the week , and rest of the time is spent in talking about these rubbish shows and music which are all fictituous with no real essence and no knowledge or even importance. Thus all in all major portion of a normal day of a modern man , is spend in filling his consiousness with all the crap and rubbish which is presented in a nice flowery words and forms to attract their attention and put them in illusion.
As per the Vedas , human form of life is achieved after great sacrifice and penance and after millions of years of waiting . If, Inorder to protect our so called social image and in entertaining our senses we forget the real purpose of this life , which is to get out of the illusion of boldily concept of life , by surrendering ourselves in the service of the Supreme LORD, then there is no other fool in the entire world then our own selves.
Instead of utilizing our valuable time in the service of the LORD , we are choosing to waste the time in strengthing our illusion of this body , by indulging ourselves in unneccessary activities . Moroever ladies today are obessessed with beautifying their bodies by artificail means. In their state of ignorance , they tend to forget that the bodies are perishable and will not last long , but the soul , which is so convieniently neglected is eternal .
Hence, It is my humble request to all those who read this, to please think over these points and try to dovetail your lifestyle and make your life successful. If you need help you can get in touch with people in ISKCON, who have expert staff to instruct how to practice the science of bhakti yoga , which will help in elevating one to the stage of GOODNESS and will make you happy , getting rid of all the anxieties that has been bothering you.
On top of that illusion, the television shows and movies , tend to strenghten that illuison and make it so strong that it becomes almost impossible for a living soul to break out of that mould.
The so called forms of entertainment, which include, television, hiphop and rock music etc, reflect the modes of passion and ignorance .
Modes of nature as defined earlier comprise of 3 types, and by associating with them a living entity concots a particular conception of life.
Mode of Goodness : comprises of godly characteristics, wherein the focus of the living entity is focussed on the Supreme Personality of GODHEAD ,as the cause of all causes, and where in the living entity is aware of the repucurssions of his every action, as per the law of karma.
Mode of Passion : Has a little cocept of GOD as the order supplier,i.e If one is in need of some material benefit ,he approaches GOD. Living entities in mode of passion are generally, very active in fruitive activities to satisfy their senses. Hence driking, illicit sex, gambling and meat eating is prominent. They are attached to material achievements.
Mode of Ignorace : Characteristed by laziness and atheism and uncleaniness.
Every living entity at anytime is subject ot a mixture of these modes of nature. Sometimes Goodness is prominent and other times passion or ignorace become prominent.
Now the mode of nature in which a living entity is situated depends a great deal on the association he is in .
For example, if a person assocaites with the drunkards all the time, he would soon become a drunkard and will be thus situated in the modes of passion and ignorance, and if the same person assocaites with people in goodness, goodness will reflect in his behaviour and gradually he will leave his drinking habits.
Now todays television and in general most of the people around us are found to be in the modes of passion and ignorance. The television shows or movies , depict a picture of illicit sexual relations as a normal thing and a modern day concept , which is very common every where, every advertisement shows a half naked women ,trying to sell some products. Now these images represent the modes of ignorance and passion, since, all the televsion shows, are based on basic concept of sex , which is a product of ignorance and a bodily concept of life.
Sexual intercourse is a neccessity of the body and not of the soul. For the soul it is not essential at all. Sexual intercourse is meant to serve a specific purpose of progeny as per the Vedas, but due to prominance of ignorance and passion in the environment around us , it has become a means of enjoyment, defying its purpose , infact men have deviced ways to eradicate the progeny as a result of sex , by using contraceptive methods. This civilization is influencing every youth and damaging their original conciousness , resulting into frustration, lust, depression, anxiety, disturbance of mind, unneccessary anger and a constant fear.
It has become a common fashion to have boyfriends and girlfriends as a neccessity in the schools and colleges , and not having a so called boy friend or a girlfriend , reflects somekind of a problem with the person. And all those who boast of haveing a girl friend or boyfriend , boast of being in love. The lust to satisfy their own senses is being labelled as love , for most of them have no clue what love is. They scream at their,parents to be with a so called boyfriend or girlfriend, those very parents who made many sacrifices inorder to raise them.Inorder to have their senses satisfied by their socalled love they donot care about the love of their parents and they call this lust to be love.
All these behaviours are influnced by the society. Modern society leaders are themselves in ignorace and passion, so how is that they can lead the mass to a well behaved society of mutual love and respect. All the images being postered or shown on TV or cinema are of sex, violence or racial behaviours, drinking, gambling all the signs of ignorance and passion . Music being played as hiphop , rock have no profound message in them, most of lyrics comprise of some aggressive sarcasm or some crap laungauge which invokes lust, or makes one violent and angry .
On an average, a modern man watches TV for atleast 20-30 hrs in a week ,and listens to the so called music for atleast 50 hrs in the week , and rest of the time is spent in talking about these rubbish shows and music which are all fictituous with no real essence and no knowledge or even importance. Thus all in all major portion of a normal day of a modern man , is spend in filling his consiousness with all the crap and rubbish which is presented in a nice flowery words and forms to attract their attention and put them in illusion.
As per the Vedas , human form of life is achieved after great sacrifice and penance and after millions of years of waiting . If, Inorder to protect our so called social image and in entertaining our senses we forget the real purpose of this life , which is to get out of the illusion of boldily concept of life , by surrendering ourselves in the service of the Supreme LORD, then there is no other fool in the entire world then our own selves.
Instead of utilizing our valuable time in the service of the LORD , we are choosing to waste the time in strengthing our illusion of this body , by indulging ourselves in unneccessary activities . Moroever ladies today are obessessed with beautifying their bodies by artificail means. In their state of ignorance , they tend to forget that the bodies are perishable and will not last long , but the soul , which is so convieniently neglected is eternal .
Hence, It is my humble request to all those who read this, to please think over these points and try to dovetail your lifestyle and make your life successful. If you need help you can get in touch with people in ISKCON, who have expert staff to instruct how to practice the science of bhakti yoga , which will help in elevating one to the stage of GOODNESS and will make you happy , getting rid of all the anxieties that has been bothering you.
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