Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Reality beyond mundane vision

As I sit besides the window and watch the squirels moving around , I come to see the truth in the teachings of Bhagvad Gita. These creatures were constantly restlessly moving around and eating, as soon as other squirell was around they start chasing each other inorder to defend ,these creatures are in ignorance of the real truth, they are acting under illusion which gives them intelligence to only eat , sleep ,mate and defend, It is impossible for them to understand the higher nature they belong to . In order to understand this they have to go through the evolution process of changing their bodies until they reach the human form of life where they will have the intelligence to understand their real purpose of existence.
Looking at them , I wondered how many millions of years I must have spend , being a squirell, a tree, a insect, a hog, a dog and many forms and finally by the grace of Krishna I have been given this chance to understand what really I am , Where is my real home, who is GOD and why are we here. But , even though I am fortunate enough to get the human form of life , it is shameful that i am just wasting it in the lower inferior activities . I have already wasted 27 years of this precious human form of life in eating, sleeping , mating and defending , and trying to please my senses and others without knowing why am I existing and what is my role. I am wasting this high intelligence , in developing improved ways of eating , sleeping , mating and defending , which I already was engaged in my previous births , and for which I had a better body and senses to enjoy. Especially last 10 years I have just wasted in false pursuits to satisfy my mind and body , coming under the grip of maya. Seeing these animals I feel fortunate and wish to stop this useless activities I have been indulging into for so many years , And I pray with all my heart and soul to Krishna,that being a very minute and incapable particle of your manifestation, I do not posses the strength and intellect to fight maya and hence I take shelter of your Lotus feet, surrendering the results of all the activities for the pleasure of Krishna. I pray to All merciful Lord, to give me the intelligence and strength so that I do not wavier from this path of Devotional service ,anytime and be attached to HIS holy name, for this is the only way to get out of the precarious conditions we have put ourselves into .

The reality , one may believe it or not is , that we are in a great illusion called the material nature, which is under the control of Almighty Lord Shri Krishna. We are put into this precarious condition, as a result of our activities and desires to lord it over the material nature. Due to these desires we are given different bodies which have the capacity to fulfill our desires for a while, but since we are not in our real constitution of serving the Lord , the so called happiness we derive using our bodies is limited and fade out very soon. We being the parts of Krishna are qualitatively equal to the lord , but with respects to power we are very minute and insignificant in comparison to the unlimited power of the Lord. So it should be noted that , inorder to be happy ,it is essensial to follow the instructions of the Lord as give in Bhagvad Gita, since it is a rule set forth by the Ruler of the world, Everthing that we see around is a property of Krishna, and encroaching Krishna's property for our senses is criminal , and hence the uhappy state of affairs we place our selves into.

It is little difficult to understand these concepts being in illusion of maya, but as soon as one desires from the heart to know the truth and is fed up with the constant changes in the material nature , one can understand these concepts slowly and gradually by the mercy of the Lord. Only thing one needs , is to be completely surrendered to Krishna and a unflinching faith in HIS words and a constant reading of Bhagvat Gita , while following the four regulative principles of , no meat eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex and no gambling.

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